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Hey darlings,

I am still super busy atm I have paused billing for patreon until August1st.

I am the executor of my moms will, so I have to get her house ready for sale, and deal with all the legal stuff etc.. find out who wants certain belongings as well as planning a bit of her funeral etc.. 

It will be a bit still before I get back to my normal lucky from me one of my brothers has been helping me alot but he will be heading back home at the end of the month so trying to get as much done while he is still here.

I also want to thank you all for your condolence messages<3 sorry I haven't had the time to answer all your lovely messages <3 

love you all and take care <3 hopefully i can get this all done quickly so i can get back to work soon <3



Stay golden be positive


I wish you the best. Dealing with someone else's estate is an unfun process that never seems to end. I hope it goes smoothly for you.

Anios Selindar

Take care and take all your time my dear wiwinne &lt;3


thanks hun &lt;3 yeah been waiting on the appraiser to get back to me so the lawyer can put the will in probate just one thing after another slowing the process. fucking covid has backed up everyone so everything is a waiting game. So in the mean time just doing my best to get the house ready.


Thanks Anios &lt;3 I hope to be back soon, just everything is so hard atm. So much to deal with, and everything keeps getting delayed cuz of covid love you hun and hope your doing well &lt;3