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Just a heads up, we ARE NOT releasing a build this month. We might release one early/mid next month, but things are in a "CLOSE, but NOT QUITE" state atm! Production is moving along steadily, and it's been really awesome being able to roam around in the V2 project. It's also interesting to note the game zip went from like, 250mb to around 130! Super dope seeing how some of these optimizations are paying off :>

Anywho, No build, but things are going swimmingly :>!

Lets move on With a Word from Vixel!

8/29 weekly update:

Heya floofs! Short update from me this week. Carrot and I have been playtesting v2 and I'm working out a few kinks. Act 1 is looking pretty good, Act 2 and 3 are close but still have a few bugfix and polish todos. I'll keep crunching on these, and will keep you posted!


On my end, I've been tackling a few things!

First, I've been in contact with a musician for our last song! Or at least, last required song for the campaign. We're off to a super dope start, so I'm really excited to see how this goes!

2nd, I've finished all the prep for production on the bunny print! Had to assemble PDFs and design specifics for all sorts of crap. But now it's all done, just gotta get a few samples and see if I wanna pull the trigger or not!

3rd, Vixel and I decided to add A NEW SYSTEM to TFOL. I'm not gonna talk about it much any time soon since it'll be a while before it's implemented. But as we were brain storming and considering all the angles of it, it's pretty clear this would be a dope addition to the game. I had a lil game doc written up and made some assets, and yeah, should be pretty fun!

4th, I've been working on the next animation featuring our wolf friend (As seen above ;D). It's been tricky dialing this guy down, but with each attempt to tackle him, I'm making progress. I'm excited for his lil arch when ya guys get to meet him! It'll be a bit of a mix up compared to the usual! Anyways, I started composing and cleaning up the characters for the animated scene, I should be able to start roughing out some loops whenever now!

I think that's about it on my end! I'm gonna remake some of the wolf assets to fit his newer vibe, and hopefully solidify his dialogue within the week.


OK! That's it from us! Thanks for sticking around folks, and we'll see ya guys next week!




Mmm Wolf knotting our favorite red panda might be a sight to see :D