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Yo folks! Here's what we've been up to!

Starting with a Word from Vixel!

5/16 weekly update:

Hey floofs!
Worked on the v2 project last week and squashed the rest of the Act 1 bugs. Now Act 1 functions like before. I'm sending Carrot a test build tonight so we can fine tune any missing polish. ^w^
More v2 project this week! I'll be focused on cleaning up the rest of Act 2, which has the bulk of the remaining issues.


On my end, I've been doing some sketching out some more critter houses! 

I thought it'd be good to flesh out Augustus' and Penny's place :> It was pretty fun making something a bit more organic for their homes. Not sure when would be a good time to introduce these, but it'll be something I'll tackle in the future!

I've also been looking at our Dialogue boxes again. Currently they are just a bit too bulky taking up nearly 45 percent of the screen. That's a bit much. I wanted to stream line it, and adapt it so the critter's names can be on the left/right. 

Here's somethign I was messing with. It's tricky finding a good combo of not too busy, not too simple! Not to mention work with our other parameters of supporting dual icons, critter names, etc. I'm also thinking that bottom element might be something that indicates whether there is/isn't more dialogue.

Another thing I've been doing a TON of iterations of, is a TFOL specific symbol! Some months ago, I did a deep dive into what sort of things a "culture" will have. I did a ton of writing fleshing out some lore stuff, but one thing I couldn't figure out was a visual motif. 

NOOOORMally this would be something I'd keep hidden, but I'm trying to get out of that habit. (Besides, if we had this symbol done before, it'd be in the game already.)

I landed on this sorta thing after TONS of iterations and little scribbles of symbols. I wanted something simple, "drawable" by the critters, yet still have something visual of some meaning. I wanted something mystical, like, almost occult, to juxtapose the normal designs we see in the forest so far.

I really dig this! I'm excited to incorporate this around! This sort of thing will be much more prevalent in Act 4!

Other than that, I've been prepping the Angel Loop for posting. All of it's ready, and I'll post them tomorrow :3

OK! That's it for us! Take care y'all! Keep your eyes peeled for some cute doggo ;)




Im loving it all. The Idea for switching out the font is interesting, Might give it more visual appeal to the text boxes too.