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  • MainCameraFinal.mp4



Some really deep kisses ;O

So each month I'd like to do a lil 3D loop and post it here. I DO NOT plan on having BGs and everything for them, I'd imagine some will just be in gray-space, or maybe I'll come up with some void-room that will work for most scenes. We'll see, again, the point isn't to spend TOO much time on these.

By the way, I will be encouraging folks to join the 5$ tier for these. This month I'll have an alternate view for 5$ peeps only, but in the future, that is where I'll be posting them.

Gif posted above, and in the attachments is an MP4, it should loop, you just need the proper software to loop it well. (VLC doesn't cut it.)

Some of the motion here is a lil rough, I was experimenting with NLA tracks which have been AWESOME, but I ended up doing some things incorrectly, so I had to make do. 





It might just be me, but I don't think the attachment is working correctly...


Outstanding! Looking forward to more! :D


Hmm, it must be the codec or something...when I save it, I get a 3.4 MB, 4 second file, but when I click on it, it can't play. I moved it to my iPhone to try it there, and it plays SUPER choppy, but I can at least see it. I tried converting it, but it got glitched out.


I assembled it with ffmpeg- without any specific codec. So I’m not sure what the default is… I can’t open it at all on my phone. Not even on the VLC app. We are stuck with the gif!