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HOOOLY MOLY. 100 of these suckers already. Fuuuuck time goes by way too damn fast.

SO! I've got a lil Halloween thing in the works, but it's obviously not gonna be ready for Halloween lmao. Also to be fair, it's not a "Halloween" event, but some specific TFOL celebration x)

Anywho, due to all the shenanigans from holidays, and struggles on my end, we weren't able to put out a monthly build last month :( - SO we are aiming to get one as soon as possible this month! I've still got a good ways to go on some assets, AAAAND my Birthday is on the 3rd, so I'll probably take some time off to celebrate that.

But things are coming along! I'm really pleased with how that picture came out up there, and the gossip that's coming along with it is has some dope potential for a future Contained Event!

OK, I guess I went first, so next is A Word from Vixel!

10/31 weekly update:

Heya floofs! I hope you had a festive Halloween! :}}
Some hiccups for us this week! :O We aren't ready with the content for the Booty Line Up - so a monthly build will happen in early November!
In other news, last week I made good progress in the Upgrade project squashing bugs and playing through old content. I think we'll be able to share a test build sometime in November to start getting feedback from players, since so much has changed under the hood. The source code cleanup has been a long time coming, but I'm super excited to have a better foundation as we prepare to move into the rest of Act 3, launching on Steam, adding language translations, etc. Will keep you posted!


That's it from us! Once again, we hope your guys' holidays were spooky! If not, then at least enjoy some candy~!

Thanks for all of your guys' support <3! We'll be seeing y'all soon!




Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday! Possible idea to toss your way for future game fluff: since e have a festival of the bells, ever thought of putting other holiday analogs in the game at some point? I know you have your paws full currently, but it might be fun additions when you have time and could be tied into world lore and such.


HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY ^w^. Really looking forward to this game and you guys are doing absolute fantastic work ^^


Wow, I can't believe it's been 100 of these....it's so amazing! I'm so proud of you guys, too. Doing this all on your own is absolutely insane. Love you guys!