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Here's what we've been up to this week :>!

Starting with a word from Vixel!

10/24 weekly update:

Hey all! Last week I started adding our monthly content for the "Booty Line Up" story to the Act 2 project. That story's a little more involved than some of the others, so we're prototyping it first to refine the look and feel. This week we'll finish it up and make the October builds!
I also continued working in the Upgrade project, playing through the game in the dev room to debug broken dialogues and triggers. Found about two dozen issues and am still eliminating those! But for the most part things are functioning as intended! This coming week I'll start the next debug pass with all the critters spawned in their proper scenes to fix cutscene scripting and edge cases.
Boop yall soon! ^w^


My side I've had to take a mental health break last week. Still kinda on it. Not sure what's up but I've been having some crazy brain fog and just overall feelin' bleh. This isn't anything particularly new, just a bad spell of it this time, so I've been hanging with my friend. She's got 3 huskies and they are adorable and it helps the brain chill |3

Anyways, I did get to planning out some fall content! Unfortunately it won't be ready in time at all lmao. but it'll be fun when it's in :> This sketch above will basically be a prelude to kinda introduce the whole thing! Should be fun <3

I'm starting to return from my week off, but still taking things easy. Gonna try to take some steps to switch up my workspaces and see how that goes. We'll see!


Hope y'all have a spooky Halloween :>!




Hey, self care is important! If you try to push yourself you'll either get sub-par results, or possibly make mistakes you'll have to go back and fix later. Be well!


:O YES! can we get the spooky forest update when? i wanna see all the tendrils in all the holes :D