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Yo everyone! Just wanted to wish y'all a Happy New Year and happy holidays in general :>

I'll also take this time to thank all the new patreons we've had this month! Super honored to have ya guys here and watching/helping our lil' game grow :>

Around this time last year was the very inception of The Forest of Love. I'm ecstatic to see how dang far we've taken this in the year, but I'm ESPECIALLY excited to show what we've got in store for next year!

It's been a ton of "building outward" over the past several months, but finally we're really able to start "building depth" now that the systems are all generally in place. 

As promised, we will have a SUPER SILLY ROUGH Act 1 out for you guys this month. (tonight?) Definitely going to be full of bugs, and super not-presentation ready - so tbh, I'd suggest skipping this one! But since we promised monthly releases, this one will happen too :>

We basically placed all the pieces in the system, and now we gotta polish up all the pieces 'n what not. There's so much to do it's ridiculous xD!

OPTIMISTICALLY. We'd like to have Act 1 Polished, and ready to distribute for January. It's probably not gonna be completely finished, but that'd be super cool. What instead we might do, is have it "PRETTY DANG FINISHED" and have you guys help bug test everything. Then have a SUPER polished version for February. That will be uploaded on Itch.io and everything.

Act 1 is a very huge milestone for us. The demo was the testing of our general systems - Act 1 is the finalizing of those systems, and also the ACTUAL Campaign of the game. Once Act 1 is finished, we will begin advertising to further spread the word and help gather support! So we wanna make sure it's as perfect as it can be. (within reason of course)


OK That's it! Hope y'all have been enjoying the backlog of art! Postybirb has been making posting a fuckin' BREEZE. Please spread the word of this program to artists you know. It's a fuckin' game changer. I was skeptical/lazy for years, for literally no reason, it's absolutely amazing.


Amelia Angelwing

Love your work Carrot! I can't wait to see more!