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AYO! Hope y'all are doing well!

Here's what we've been up to this week, starting with A Word from Vixel!

6/25 weekly update:

Hey floofs, happy new week! Last week I worked on redesigning some problem areas in Forest of Love source code to help reduce some of our recurring bugs. We're improving how we handle side quests, like Blessing of the Bells or Booty Lineup, to make them easier to find and replay - and improving how the game tracks player progress during side quests to prevent spawner scripts getting confused and spawning the wrong stuff / not spawning important stuff.

I'll be continuing that effort this week! Have a good one! <3


On my end, I've been kinda dabbling with all sorts of stuff.

Related to Vixel's endeavors, if y'all recall some time ago I had a TWITF talking about introducing a mechanic called "Adventures" - this is the functionality he is talking about.

I need to do some look dev for the UI and Icons and what not. Here's some stuff I've been doodling for it!

 Some games use this sorta paradigm for a player to interact or start a mission/quest/activity!

We wanted to avoid having too many menus for stuff, and bogging down the interact scroll-y menu, and this seems to fit better for one-off "quests" that are instanced, and ones that the player has to start themselves. Walk to the location, interact, start the adventure! I'm not 100% sold on the icon or w/e, but something like that for sure!

I also needed a new image for the intro to this concept.


Thought this was a fun way to combine "adventurer" and naughty shenanigans xD!

Anywho, aside from that, I've been animating some extra parts in the Deep Woods. I VOWED TO NEVER ANIMATE A LAKE AGAIN, but I forgot that there's some small bodies of water in one of these new rooms. In fact, there will be more of that in the future anyways, SO JK MORE ANIMATING LAKES lmao. Well again, small body of water.

 This isn't an animated gif, but just wanted to show the lil bits! This area is kinda a bog/swamp esque sorta thing, so this water is gonna be a lot more still than the other bodies of water in the game. Took me a few tries to get a look that I was happy with, i'll show ya guys next week. Should be done by then.

Also been working with the environmental artist for the future content stuff :> That's going awesome! He's done a good bunch of assets, and has been re-tackling the tiles for the location. I TRIED SO HARD, but my tiles kept having issues. At this point I have the right ideas, but honestly the workflow to do it was annoying as hell hopping from Clip to Aseprite and copy pasting a buncha shit, it was annoying lmao. So i'm glad I don't have to do it a like, 10th time xD

Mmmm that's about it! OH, UH ELDEN RING DLC ;>

Oh, and I've been drawing in Rebelle again. Fuckin LOVE how that program looks. The water color is so damn fun. BUT ALSO, it crashes >so fucking often< - it's a damn shame. I hope they get their shit figured out. Anywho that's the two pictures above! My favorite wide-faced gals, Porsha and Zhen :>

OK THAT'S IT! We'll see ya guys soon! Take care :>
