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The second episode! I told you I'd get it done this month, even if it was down to the wire. Remember to check for any technical errors as well as structural ones! 

Thank you all for your feedback on Introspectrum and especially thank you all so much for stopping my my Twitch to help me edit. Like, you literally, physically, medically helped me edit by watching me on stream. I would have fallen to executive dysfunction and had to nearly kill myself with crunch to get this done if not for the stream format forcing me to work more efficiently in a way that didn't hurt me. This is a real breakthrough for me and it might actually mean I'll get way faster at producing episodes in future. Fingers crossed! 




Cole Durrett

Does the third episode exist or did I just dream that?


The next time Ash's dad is mentioned is one of the alternate universe movies that came out last year.


Thank you. It was like 3 AM when I said that and I couldn't remember the name for the life of me.


I laughed so hard! Fantastic work!

Lucas Neumeyer (NEW-my-er)

Maybe it's just me but it seems like the paper figures will occasionally go out of focus, Especially with Ash's mom on the video phone. I would suggest watching out for that, and also maybe having the background images slightly out of focus, especially when there are people. The image of people waiting in the background was somewhat distracting. But these are just suggestions. Also, it's not clear what's happening at the end of the 'highlights' section. I assume it's Misty getting scared by a bug, but it just looks like a black blob.

Verdant Range

With the ep with the Samurai coming down the line, I wonder how Suede's going to handle characters of the day.


I really have to give props to the 4Kids dub of this episode. Razzing Jenny for her parking violation, Oak gambling $1 million on Ash's success, "Pretty pathetic?" Entirely their doing. Also, I can't help but think they coined the phrase "Pika-power" in one scene specifically to cover an untranslatable line in the next scene ("Pika pika... motto pika?" [More sparks]) I love when a bad pun actually benefits the story and isn't just a quick zinger.


Love it

Christopher Borriello

This is going to wind up like that Anomalisa movie isn't it, where the interchangeable people have the same face and voice isn't it?