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Hey all, got a lot to get through so let's start!


Thanks so much for your great response to Introspectrum, it gives me a great sense of accomplishment and it feels like I'm helping people too, so I'll definitely stick with it.

That being said I also want to continue with Pokemon as it's my bread and butter and I genuinely enjoy making you guys laugh. That being said, I'm noticing some problems.

I mentioned this on twitter but for those who have well-adjusted lives here's what I came to realise: I love Papermon, I think it's unique and different from what's usually out there and a good, hilarious workaround for copyrighted content. But the more I work on it, the more I come to realise that it's definitely more work than old-school journey. With practise I'll get faster and heck, if I win the algorithm lottery and blow up I could even hire staff and get back to 4 a month, but that's not going to happen at this point. I'm only able to do 1 a month at most.

This isn't fair to all of you who have followed me all the way up to 194, only to have to start all over again at 1 video a month. If I keep this pace it will take 16 YEARS to catch up. SIXTEEN YEARS.

Even with new gags in each episode, that's just exhausting and disheartening. So I've come up with a compromise, if you'll indulge me:

I will do the first 5 episodes of Papermon, and then I'm most definitely NOT going to leak a folder with all the finished episodes of Old Pokemon Journey onto torrent sites. Now in the UNLIKELY EVENT that such a folder shows up on torrent sites anyway, I will put up a video expressing my UTTER SHOCK at the horrendous turn of events and make sure to tell my subscribers exactly where to find said torrent so they know EXACTLY WHERE NOT TO GO for my previously lost content.

If this happens, even though I'd be APPALLED IF IT DID, since the episodes would be readily available I would be able to jump Papermon to 194 and continue from there. Fresh content for long term viewers and no loss for new ones. I'd also do the Papermon treatment for fan favorite classic episodes, to be decided by poll.

Speaking of polls, this is where you guys come in. I feel this would be the best direction going forward but though I have power of veto it comes down to those who finance me to let me know which way the wind is blowing and open the floor to pushback. Please make your voice heard in the poll below.


While I wait for that, there's also another thing I need to ask.

First, Good news! I found out I do actually have access to every single episode of Journey! Bad news, a huge chunk of it is only in 360p. As most of you know, my own collection of HD journey episodes is incomplete due to a hard drive malfunction.

My episodes only available in 360p are:

- Everything up to episode 80

- Episode 87

- Episodes 100 & 101

- Episode 109

- Episodes 119-121

- Episodes 127-128

- Episode 130

- Episodes 132-133

- Episodes 135-141

- Episode 161 for some reason

- Mewtwo Strikes back (Journey version) & Evolution

If you have any of these episodes in 1080p, message me and I will credit you in a readme file that ONLY I WILL READ AND DEFINITELY WON'T END UP IN THE FOLDER 

Oh, and one final thing: I'm really struggling with editing lately, my autism and anxiety has been flaring up a lot and I'm freezing up in the same way I used to freeze up when writing scripts. The only thing I haven't tried, bizarrely, is the thing that helped me get my scripts done. Yeah, I've been putting it off way too long but joining Watch Me Script will be Watch Me Edit, starting tomorrow at twitch.tv/suedeblade (the times will be on the channel's schedule page). Come hang out and as we go on we'll find more ways to make it fun!

You are all amazing, keep being you and I will continue to keep pushing forward.

All the best going forward,




If someone were to do a horrible thing like leak all the episodes, would it be possible for the fiend to drop such copyright infringing filth onto dailymotion?


Honestly I like the first option because it gives viewers a way to appreciate all that work you put into the original run of episodes! Also I've been DYING for you to get to the Hoenn episodes, because those are the ones I remember best from when I was a kid :P

Verdant Range

Suede, you may with toy know some VILE FIEND has uploaded all the old Pokémon Journeys episodes to MEGA. If you wish to do something about this, you can find the episodes here. https://mega.nz/folder/A55l2IqD#cQ1etQl4PPayX_Yx10D5Dw

Peter McDevitt

curious, does Papermon need to be a 1:1 ratio with actual episodes? Would it be an option to cover some bits in abridged format similar to the Johto double features?


Hell's to the yeah option 1! A lot of work & joy went into that content and I've missed it dearly. Particularly the Johto 2 parter that gave me the biggest laugh I've had in years with the proclamation "Chikorita use Glasgow kiss!" I legitimately cannot thank you enough for the utterly hilarious shock of that moment 🤣


Hell yes. I definitely want to know where to stay away from such a folder! And honestly, backlog or not, I'd love for the journey to continue where it left off. =) 100% with you on this. <3

Merv PH

Def option 1. Heck, I'm a little annoyed that I'm supposed to wait another 5 months to get new content.

Gelli Elfson

Should you get good enough at the new set-up and can do 3-4 episodes a month, maybe reserve one of those slots to redo old episodes.


The only Journey episode I really care about is the Porygon episode because the Pokemon Shock is such an interesting bit of history. I know recreating the episode presents some interesting challenges but that just makes me want to see it more. If there are any other episodes that are significant enough, I think it would be a good idea to recreate those as well. And if there's any episodes you where just really looking forward to recreating you might as well do those too


Just a idea I thought up of, after watching the latest episode 2 of Papermon Journey. Your perspective on previous episodes is a treasure trove of trivia and media critique that actually formed my view on what is good media (“Media which does good”). It is such a shame that it is FOREVER LOST and NEVER to be seen in ANY SHAPE OR FORM. Seeing your latest is a nice nostalgic trip back in that mindspace, and would be very sad for it to be a)not accessible IN ANY CONCEIVABLE WAY, and b)without you making a cent off of it. This is where my suggestion comes with that in mind: why not alternate between newer and older episodes, at a comfortable pace? For me, rubber-banding between similar yet distinct tasks is a useful tool in my productivity. I see New Papermon Journeys as “new and fresher content”, while Older episodes as “practice with a solidified script” (plus edits given style and changes in perspective). If the goal is to get stuff done plus improving craft, I don’t think it’s a bad idea which might balance monotony of one single path? All that being said, your suggestion of doing fan favourites is plenty sufficient, especially if the mental state is to “continue moving forward”, and that is how you work best, Suede. I respect what you want to do, and only wish for you to take my my words into consideration.


Option 1! Also, I LOVED IntroSpectrum, and I can’t wait for more!


I love that abstaining is an option. I care enough to vote, but not enough to have an opinion. Ahh, the nuances of Democracy. And yes, I abstained...