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Keep in mind that I can experiment with like a textured background or coloured markers, I just want to know if the basic aesthetic is more or less appealing.

More Pokemon Legends coming up!


Test Clip 02 sketch

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Wow these hand-drawn ones actually kind of fits better with a stick figures I like the photo ones better I think they Make a fun contrast to the stick figures. Also it would be a lot simpler to do that and probably take less time for you

Matt Storrs

I feel like the pictures work better for this specific scene, but I could see the sketches having more comedy potential for settings down the road.

Lucas Neumeyer (NEW-my-er)

The sketches would work better if they were more detailed, but these are so abstract it's not immediately clear what we're looking at. Detailed drawings would be a strain on production so I'd suggest photo backgrounds, unless you're willing to reuse the same drawn backgrounds.


I like either one. Just pick the one that’s easiest to do. I imagine that’s pictures with simple copyright free google searches.

Matthew Foweraker

My main concern would be that the photographs are likely to maybe get applied copyright

Jesse Dusk

I preferred the photos.


I would assume that they are stock photos, and as such they're being purchased for this particular purpose. So copyright won't really come into it.


I definitely think, in this case, the photos will make it clearer unless you're spending a lot of extra time. Hand-drawn would work well for things that are harder to find a photo of, but honestly I think it would be easier on you to get the photos. Plus, I have to agree that there's an interesting visual style between the cutouts (which are *perfect*, by the way; no need to change that style!) and the photorealistic images. At least for me, it gives it a very interesting look *and* might increase the humor of the situation. The capsules being used just about made me choke laughing, for the record; that was brilliant and hilarious and the sound effect just added to it. I'm thrilled with the whole thing so far.

J. MacGillivray

I think the photos are better because the puppets stand out a lot better against the color background. The puppets get a bit lost against the white background.


I think I prefer the photos. To me they fit the aesthetic of the live-action puppets better, and the green screen stood out more to me with the drawn backgrounds.


I think my question is... do you need the backgrounds period to make this work? Maybe my time with Overly Sarcastic Reviews has damaged me, or it's the amateur theatre kid, and you're going to probably need a few here and there for when the environment is important to a scene, but... is the windmill really important to showing us this is Oak's lab? I'm trying to picture a version of this on a pure white backdrop and while these aren't bad, I think that's my hypothetical favourite, with the drawn backdrop a close second (it integrates with the puppets better IMO.)


When you do Pokemon battles, do speedline backgrounds.


I prefer this version but I think a combonation depending on scene would also work