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March onwards to March, into a new world of Gods and Pocket Monsters!



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Hey Suede! I've gotten this game now, in large part due to your earlier LP looking so fun! Since I'm now a bit further in than you, I think I have a few tips that might be useful going forward. And since I lack a convenient signpost to write them on, I guess I'll make do with this comment section! (If you'd rather continue completely unspoiled on mechanical stuff, feel free to ignore this - this is just my reading of a few bits of how the game works) Tip #1: Use your Z targeting! (~~L targeting? Shoulder targeting?~~ Whatever button it is that locks on to Pokemon) Getting good at targeting Pokemon without the lock on is a pretty useful skill for some later game stuff - there's a target range and Pokemon in the sky, plus a few that don't have an easy way to sneak up on them. But when you're at close range, locking on is pretty quick and seamless - plus it's really really useful in *cough* dangerous situations. Like, if a dangerous Pokemon was trying to kill you in a confined space? Yeah, super useful there! Would let you keep an eye on it while strafing. Would probably be a good idea to have a feel for that. You wouldn't want to get easily whoomped by... *cough* Moving on Tip #2: Food is good! I'm pre-empting the game a bit with this one, but this is something I've seen most LPers of this game ignore, and I feel they're making a mistake here. You can throw food to Wild Pokemon - this lures them to a specific spot, but also boosts their mood and thus their catch chance significantly. I've been able to use this coupled with a back-strike and heavy ball to catch Lvl 50 Alphas without a fight, before any of my party reached level 40. Natural food raises the catch rate some, but once you can bake cakes and muffins, they seem to raise the catch rate much more. (Tip #2.5 - But only officers cook One caveat to my prior tip. It looks like catch rates for higher level mon are impacted by your star rank, since that determines the max level mon you can control. I've been able to catch a wild Pokemon at the exact max level I could control at current rank, but I have yet to manage to catch one I couldn't control. Which... I guess makes sense, but since you are more likely to run into high level Mon in this game, feels like it's worth noting) Tip #3: Catch and Release Legends Arceus does expect you to catch a lot of Pokemon, but it doesn't expect you to keep them all penned up in some box forever. This is the first game I know of in the series that gives you a pretty significant reward for releasing your Pokemon! Now, I'm not sure if that only kicks in at a certain level/star rank/story point, but it's worth keeping in mind. The items you get from releasing are very helpful if you feel your Mon are a bit underpowered. Hope you continue to enjoy your adventures in Hisui! Remember, the Pokemon Direct gave out the code ARCEUSADVENTURE for a nice little bonus gift - a bunch of powerful Pokeballs!


I just realized, with all the mass capturing via underhanded tactics, this is the closest we may ever get to a "Play as Team Rocket" game.