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EDIT: Sorry, due to my channel still getting shenanigans it defaulted me to private, it should be working now

Here it is! The first test of the new format of journey, in the first style! What I'm planning on doing is showing you guys the exact same clip, but done in different mediums to see which resonates best. after this I'll try the scene with puffballs, sock puppets etc and eventually we'll poll which one fits best.

Don't forget this is SUPER ROUGH and does not necessarily reflect the eventual quality of an episode of journey done in this style.

I'm still amazed this is even a possibility, I was able to experiment and begin the process so smoothly thanks to your amazing investment. Let's see where this goes!


Test Clip 01 Cardboard

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Verdant Range

Looking forward to the full versions.


I laughed until I had tears in my eyes. I definitely see this having a *lot* of possibility, though I definitely want to wait for the other selections before I make a definite 'final choice'. This combination was hilarious, though, and IMO worked great.


I think the camera might be a little bit too high, but other than that it seems quite fine. Personally I don't mind the synopsis puppets, although I could do without them, but if it's your content I will stick with it.


I vaguely remember a popular viral video from years ago about Harry Potter puppets. I'm sure we'll love this just fine.


This is so Adult Swim. Love it.


I like this more than I expected to, and I already expected to like it!


I think Ash is missing his spikey hair.


Just checked this again after you uploaded the new one, and while my final thoughts might still depend on seeing a test run with both cut-outs and puffballs used at the same time, my current feelings are pushing me to preferring cut-outs for both humans and pokemon. I know you said the quality shown here won't reflect the final product, but assuming that both this and the puff-balls were made with comparable levels of effort, the puff-ball pikachu just doesn't match the charm of the south park-like geometric shapes.


Also, while it's possible you'd already be working on this for the later, more thoroughly-produced skits, is it possible for the cutouts to have diverse expressions? Even if they're swapped in with others drawn on post-its or something I think it would be preferable, because the "meh" look could get underwhelming fast.


Also, do you think you'll always green-screen in a background? Or might you sometimes construct little puppet sets? Sincerely, I'm wondering if that could make it more fulfilling for you as a creator, just having a different-looking "workspace" every now and then.


Will any of the old journey videos be archived or re-uploaded or all they all lost to time now?