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Go to this link: https://dai.ly/x87f3g4

Password is GAMBIT

The reason I'm password protecting this and only showing it to patrons is so I can run it by you guys to see if there are any mistakes, concerns or lingering questions. Once Youtube lets me upload again I'll put it up there and then we'll do the big push. I'm trusting you guys not to share this as I don't want it to muddy the water if I missed something.

Hopefully the next two videos will bring some much needed levity!



Jack Christmas

Video seems good to me (depressing of course, but good). One thing I was wondering: is it feasible to start a fundraiser to help you with the fine (as in, permitted by the terms of use of fundraising sites), and would you consider it? It's possible you wouldn't feel right in asking, but it isn't fair if you have to shoulder this cost yourself, just because you were unknowingly the canary in the anime copyright coalmine. I know I'd happily contribute to that.


Video is quite heavy, but pretty clear and concise. I can't see any issue with it and I think it gets your point across clearly. Go for it Suede. We've got your back.

Jack Christmas

Oh actually, now that it's been a few minutes, there is one thing from the video I'm left feeling a little unsure about: would you paying the fine be establishing a precedent in a legal sense, or just a precedent in a colloquial sense? My (admittedly limited) understanding prior to this was that legal precedents were only set if you brought the case regarding a specific untested scenario to court, and a judge has to declare whether the case is actually a correct interpretation of the law as written or not. If you hadn't mentioned legal precedence here, I would think that you just paying the fine might show Japanese IP holders that the intimidation strategy works, but it wouldn't make it any more difficult for a hypothetical future victim with infinite money and infinitely skilled lawyers to take a similar case to court and win, than it would for them to do that before this happened to you.


Legal precedence would only be set by a ruling from a judge, at least in western countries; not sure if that's the case in Japan, though. It would absolutely tell these companies that these tactics work, however, which would establish a precedent in the colloquial sense. That being said, this is perhaps the only aspect of the video that I feel could be made clear just a bit.


Seems fairly clear-cut to me, and I like that you plan to include resources for further explanation for those who want it.


It's good, well structured and to the point! You may want to add more keywords to sections similar to the "Step one: small slapp" to make it easier for those less initiated to follow. I hope you find a good title for this one, because this really deserves to gain peoples' interest, and clickbait will only make them lose it. Maybe highlight how "anime youtuber" channels are at risk of being deleted. Good luck, Suede! Still here to support and help however I can (like described under your previous post).


Thinking back through this, if there's any omission it's on the details of how this is a threat to other anitubers. Listing them makes it personal, but a little more detail might help. Team Four Star being in danger due to still using Dragon Ball characters, Mother's Basement being a really tempting target for Happy Science to ShoPro's Gambit... stuff like that. Makes the risk a bit more direct - you're identifying content that could be hit by this and and people who would hit it, rather than just listing anitube.

J. MacGillivray

I think it's a good video. One thing that you might wish to add, and something I can't stop thinking about, is that this probably won't end with anime youtubers. I can see other countries and companies doing this like say Disney goes through their company in Japan to get stuff taken down. Or maybe it's illegal in a country to have queer content in media and they go after specific youtubers, etc. I can see this problem growing and it's not good.


Know that doing a video like this has to be hard. I have two kids on the spectrum and they would never do a video this emotional and serious. I guess I'm shocked that YouTube doesn't already allow geobkocking, at least for any Youtuber over a few thousand subs. Seems like an obvious feature and since it already exists in their software, easy to change. At the very least allow you to buy up to add it. How can we help YouTube make this obvious move? Think of all the copyright strikes it will save! It's good business Alphabet/YouTube. So do it.


Looks like they've done a lot of copyright striking in the past but I can't find anyone talking about legal letters from them. That's definitely a special kind of scummy.


May I recommend that, at least while this is going on, you change your Patreon charge to monthly instead of 'per video'? Even if it's just temporarily, let people who want to keep supporting you during these trying times... well.... support you! Even if you can't post videos on your channel, I want to make sure my Patreon charge is still coming out as long as I can!


I admit this is a bit weird, but I do want to apologize for my less than tactful rant on the Youtube video of this. While I stand by that what happened was a blatantly brutal and billious insult, I'm also 99% sure I didn't exactly help in saying it. At best, I was just preaching the proverbial choir. Rest assured, I'm spreading the word about this, and if anything I dread being in your position. I felt it necessary, as such, to apologize more directly, as I know this must be a harrowing time where you are. I shudder to consider what they'd do to me, as I'm nowhere near as notable online in comparison. I know this may not say much, but know that I still intend to contribute via Patreon. Because, for all I say, you're still worth it. YOU are worth it. And I hope that, wherever you end up, it's still with the same passion, snark and energy you carry with you when you reviewed. Thanks for reading, I know it's a tad long-winded.


Nope! It's per review. That's just how consistent the work has been. :)


The more I think about the idea of redoing Pokemon Journeys, the more I realize that I don't really want to go through another marathon from the beginning after all that investment I put into it after over five years since I found this series. It's not that I don't want to see any videos of your Pokemon reviews, it's just that I really wanted to see how your perspective of the characters change over the course of time, and I really want to see how you look at Ash in DP, XY, SM or Journeys. I knew that the Journey would be long, but I figure with enough support and patience, I'll be able to see it thru. But Shopro happened and we're back to square one. Ugh, going thru Johto again. I hope that you can find a way to connect both the old Pokemon anime and the new one because what Suede's Pokemon Journey special is your perspective and review. I love to hear insights about episodes I watch. And I love to see how far Pokemon has went as a show.