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Sorry for the radio silence lately, I know I've been giving you my usual videos but I've also been remiss in not at least giving you a heads up on what's going on. I may constantly fall short but at least that means I'm not giving up, right?

These last few weeks have been a lot - globally, personally, socially and mentally - and because of that I had to take some personal time, but now that I'm a couple of counselling sessions deep and I can stop holding my breath when it comes to US (at least for now) I feel I'm ready to start moving forward in earnest again.

I want to do more than survive (but not thrive - massive fame would kill me, I'm good with just living comfortably), and that means both having a backup and being more aware of my patrons and casual viewers. So I'm finally getting the YouTube backup properly set so that I actually release freaking weekly, and starting tomorrow I'm doing a script a day from Tuesday-Thursday (NZT) until I'm at least a good month ahead. Then I'll have much more time and capacity to do the "high-stress" videos such as the movies and the recaps.

I can almost hear some of my scripting regulars and long-time fans out there grinding your teeth in worry, not just for my output but for my health, but I want to assure you that this schedule is the result of discussion, experience and research. I'm not planning to "do Everything to fix Everything" and I've made allowances for potential burnout danger zones. There are lots of other things I want to bring back like Streams, Request Reviews and even the possibility of merch, but one step at a time.

I'm as always astounded and grateful for your support, I'm proud of all of you for surviving this unbelievably eventful year, and even if you weren't personally affected by it I'm proud of you for just living, it's more commendable than you may know.

Keep safe and here's to more fun videos to come!




Don't hurt yourself! Content quality and output have been quite good all things considered.


Glad you're doing better

Carl Bloke

Glad you’re doing better, Suede. Godspeed to you and your family!