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Hi everyone! Jess here!

So Suede and I are considering changing/adding to the Patreon reward tiers, as it has been a looong while since we've done anything with them. So we want your input: What would you like to see offered to you lovely patrons? Shout out your ideas in the comments (and if someone makes a suggestion you also like, comment how you agree to their post)!

We really love and appreciate each and everyone of you and all you have done to support us. Thank you all so much! :>



You know, I think it'll be humorous if you somehow incorporated the Pokémon MMO you used to use for the old Pokémon movie reviews.


Maybe a $50 dollar tier?

Gelli Elfson

Maybe at a $50 tier Suede can do promotions for whatever content creators the Patron chooses.


I'd like it if you switch it to per month instead of per review you should the total amount spent the same (example: $1 or more per Review becomes $ 4 per month)