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I would offer my apologies for writing the date in what must seem for US citizens an unusual order, but honestly ours make way more sense and you all need to catch up XD

This is the first of a weekly post I'm going to put up both here and on Somethingsuede.com so that I can keep you guys updated on what's going on. I know I have a tendency to go dark and hopefully having a solid schedule will help to avoid that. I don't want to be a "my entire life is available to view" creator, but I also want to be honest and forthcoming about my projects so there's no confusion.

So, first issue: Where are the videos? Well, good news first: Episode 100 is scripted, recorded and sent to Dominic Noble for his collaboration! I personally wouldn't want the surprises in store spoiled, but if you aren't bothered by that kind of thing, the script is available here.

Dom said his part should be finished by the end of the month, so likewise the episode should be done then too. But what about the three other videos I usually put out? Well, for that we must place the blame upon Youtube and snot! ("What's the difference?" Har har)

I've been trying to get the website working right and figure out what the heck's going on with my strikes on youtube, and I got a virus from my son. I'm extremely lucky my income doesn't rely on youtube revenue, as that's been taken away too. My channel has been demonetized and because of that my MCN doesn't have access to it anymore, so it's slightly trickier for them to help me out.

Despite all that, I'm recovering nicely and we can get on with the proper routine as ASAP as possible! (yes, that was intentional) I'm doing a Watch Me Script tomorrow and Jess is helping out with website management. It seems like there's some sort of setback every month, but as long as I keep moving forward I remain hopeful!

One more thing, though: Because of the amount of messages I'm sorting through, You may get a reply from her instead of me. You'll know this from the astoundingly cryptic signifier of the message saying "Jess here" at the beginning. That being said, even if that is the case know that I still read all your messages even if it's not me specifically who replies. This is our job and we work VERY closely ;)

Thanks for indulging and I'll have more updates next week! see you at the scripting tomorrow!




May 20th, 2019. What's wrong with that?


Why would we need to catch up when you're always 2-5 hours behind us?


Okay quick question from me are you working on the movie review you promised or is that not a thing you are doing anymore. I don't care that much just feel like we have been left hanging on that front.


Jess here: Suede's been trying to get them done - mostly he's been getting stuck trying to work out the format. Due to the difficulty of doing collaborations with other creators right now really causing him to freeze up (episode 100 as an example). He's considering alternative ways to do the movies without collaborating with other creators but fear that may disappoint viewers. If you have any thoughts or ideas we'd be happy to hear them. :>


Thnx for telling me I feel like we hit that goal a while ago and then heard nothing. as for advice on collaborating i'm not quite sure as I have never made a collab video but maybe try spreading your net for collab partners. if you just look at the small pool of ex-channel awesome people who like pokemon you might have trouble finding people willing to put the time when you need it. so maybe try some other content creators who like pokemon to collab with maybe in the pokemon community. Also if long waiting times is the issue try having multiple episodes in the oven at once it may lead to some movies being made out of order but might speed things up a bit mind you there is a strong chance I have no idea what im talking about Im just shooting Ideas maybe set up an post asking everyone for ideas.


Jess here: Any and all suggestions appreciated! The main issue isn't finding people to collaborate with but the entire process turns out to be a issue with Suede's social anxiety. D: So we're working on it and possible solutions and processes. Thanks for your suggestions - they are all appreciated and we are hurrying (I'm exited to see the movie reviews too)!


Idea attempt here: is the freezing up specifically because of other reviewers? Or is it because he's worried about the writing of the script? The reason I ask is that if it's the scripting, then perhaps he could find a collaborator who is willing to throw the majority of their own 'voice' together and offer the very basic outline and backbone of what needs to be said. Or a third party writer so both are on equal ground. I am very much spitballing; as someone with social anxiety my own self, I know the same way won't work for everyone. ;)


If its social anxiety maybe you can write up his emails for him (the disconnect helps.) and maybe you need to find some time to hang out in person with your collaborates so they don't seem so alien even if you have met them in person once before doing it again can help a lot.

Wesley Foxx

Actual international (YYYY/MM/DD) makes more sense than either. ;) It's the same formula as clock-time. (HH:MM:SS)


Wa say, yes that’s speak, verbally, out loud, “May 20th”, “July 4th”, “December 25th”. My birthday is July 28th, not “the 28th of July”, Nobody got time for all these “the”s and “of”s, saying it that way is too much of an unnecessary mouthful. So no, putting the day first does NOT make “way more sense” 😛