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It might not affect you guys too much as the latest videos and scriptings will still be going up here, but since it's always good to keep my audience informed, I thought I shoud tell you guys about the Suede website that just went live! Archived and linked for your pleasure! Let me know what you think as we move forward in defiance of Shopro!



It's finally here! We've been wanting to make a central hub for Suede videos ever since our copyright struggles have started over at Youtube. So many of you have had to deal with confusion of "Where is this week's video?" Is it on Youtube? Is it on Vimeo?



Congratulations on the site! It already looks great! :) If you are looking for any 'lost archive episodes', either from crossovers or main videos, let me know. I 'rescued' a lot of videos from Blip for personal watching before it went down. I can't promise I have any, but I may. I would feel guilty about pirating, but when it comes to a site that was literally shutting down in a week, and many people's videos potentially being lost forever and not uploaded again, I found it hard to feel overly guilty about grabbing a lot of favorites!


Kind of feels like thatguywiththeglasses.com, but with only with one creator who's sponsored by Nexium.


Nice! That's awesome, congrats!


Nice! This'll probably be my new homepage now that Channel Awesome is all but defunct. A few Suggestions: 1) Downscale or Allow us to scale the buttons for each episode on the episode list pages so we can read more than 4 Episodes at a time. 2) I like the 3-column design (the 3 columns being the main blog, menu, and new episodes respectively) but I feel we still need a top-banner much like Pateron and Youtube. It doesn't have to "Float" (in fact I have floating banners because they take up valuable vertical space) but having a Banner at the top of the page really ties everything together. 3) I also feel like we need some sort of visual divider between the columns.


45 and 46 kanto are in the wrong order. Do you have plans to get the other movies up? I'm glad I'll be able to watch ALL the videos now


Frankly with Youtube being a royal butt about the Pokemon videos, this is welcome.


When are you gonna start show more pokemon journey episodes on youtube and vimeo


Jess here: Really sorry for the wait! Due to a lot of things happening it looks like this month all the episodes will be coming out in one lot next week - but our goal is to have them going up weekly again next month. Youtube is still being annoying and hasn't granted upload permissions back yet. Hopefully soon. Sorry for the wait and thank you for your patience! :>