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Those of you who follow me on twitter know I'm not doing too well.

For the few of you who don't know, I have ASD. One of the many things that this means is that I have trouble coping with sudden change. Of course, no one's happy about sudden negative changes but in my case it can lead to freezing up, melting down and in the worst cases actual trauma. When a large earthquake pretty much destroyed my home city of Christchurch in 2011, it took me years to realise how much it had effected me and my sense of security.

Now my sense of security is shaken even further than it was in that horrendous month, and it only took a single day.  I always felt that if nothing else, I at least lived in a relatively safe country and that's just been shattered. That coupled with the fact that I feel nasty survivor's guilt is messing with me pretty badly.

If that wasn't enough, in the ensuing month I also lost my financial security as a miscalculation on our part meant that we had to spend all of our savings on taxes, and Jess threw out her back, meaning I had to step up and take on more responsibilities. I'm feeling crushed by everything, and it's taking way longer than I thought to get better.

I've been trying so hard to get back in the saddle and I'm actually about halfway through the script for a new Calling It Now, but the fact remains that I haven't felt this out of control in a very long time, and because of that I haven't been able to make as much content as I would like, and I apologize for that.

Please know that as I charge for a couple of let's plays in the coming day to pay the bills (Higurashi and another Uranium) that I am working as hard as I can to get back on my feet. I'm seeing a counselor, I'm not pushing myself to breaking point, but as I move forward please don't hesitate to approach me or Jess with concerns that your money isn't going where you thought it would. It was very hard for me to write this, as though I don't want to be one of those creators who put on a cheerful facade and just doesn't keep their fans updated I also don't want to be a sob-story dispenser. I'm amazed at the generosity you guys continue to show me and one of the reasons I haven't slipped into the abyss is because I know that I at least have some value to you.

Please take care of yourself and those around you and as I work toward full recovery we'r going to come back better than before, I just know it.




I know exactly how you feel with the sudden change thing. There’s not much I can say aside from I’ve got your back.


Keeping on trucking and take care of yourself. We, your fans, understand that your health is more valuable to us than your content, which says a lot considering we all love the Hell out of it. Don't worry about us. We will still be here when you get back.


I actually have been off of Twitter for the past few weeks, so I was actually out of the loop on why things had slowed down. I just assumed it was taking Dom a long time to get you footage for the crossover 😅. Thanks for the update, and I'm sorry that you're going through such a rough time.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of people all across the world are dealing with greatly reduced productivity as the cycle of ceaseless bad news wears on. It's weird, because after my home country took a sharp turn for the worse in 2016, I thought I'd managed to cope pretty well, and theoretically things should have gotten better after the whole country made a big push towards improvement in 2018. In spite of this, I feel worse than I have in years and have also had trouble coping with health changes. I think we're going to have to accept that we're dealing with a kind of global depression in the face of the rise of fascism and climate change. Those of us working to keep the lights on (rather than those who seem to want to set everything on fire) are going to have to accept that we're not the people we used to be and support each other with patience and kindness.

Verdant Range

Hey Suede, I hope you feel better soon. To try to help things along, just for this month, I'm increasing how much my donation will be. I hope it helps.


Sending all kinds of support your way. On a personal level, it means a lot seeing an artist I admire talk about how *hard* it is on a neurodivergent brain when things change. I'm proud of you for working things through in therapy.

Oliver- Smilliereacts

We understand Suede. Please take as much time as you need, We will still be here when you get back. This last month has been awful. For what happened in christchurch I also feel partly guilty as I'm an Australian so hearing that it was an Australian who did that makes me feel awful. Please look after yourself and Jess too of course having a sore back really does hurt!.


Thank you for posting this. I completely understand you doing what you need to do and rest assured you have my support. I wish you and Jess the best and will keep your family in my prayers.


I really can't say anything that everybody else hasn't already said. But having said that I completely get where you are coming from, I myself have had to deal with quite a few issues so I completely understand if you need to take some time to get everything together. Just know that you have a lot of loyal viewers that truly hope that things will get better


Don't worry about we understand you health is more important than you videos and I will wait for your return get well soon.

Wojtek Ryba

Wish you all the best. You are one of the bright, shining spots in this stupid world.


Yeah you take care and get better man. We''ll be here for you when you are ready to return. You do what you got to do to get yourself right and come back with a vengeance!

Peter McDevitt

Your content is always entertaining and I regret my own financial situation does not allow me to contribute more for your work. I hope you will be able to move forward. :)


Any change like that would cause tremendous stress. All of these things piling up are a lot to handle. You have our support Suede and I have no problem in paying for any content you deliver. You take all the time you need. We will be here. If there is any way to do a one time donation to offset any loss in income let me know. All the best


I'm an aspie too - I get what you're going through...


Hope you find a solution that works for you buddy. Never stop wanting to improve. I believe in your abilities to push onward.

Billy Henline

Ah I was afraid the, uh let's call it 'incident' in NZ had shaken you up but Arceus above you LIVE there?! I also know what it's like not dealing well with sudden change, being on the Spectrum myself. and have learned how to deal, but that's a magnitude I cannot possibly know. You do you, Suede and hey, while I understand why the guilt is there, I'll quote a very intelligent author on this, "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me." -Dune by Frank Herbert. You have no complaints, anger or otherwise negative nellies from me, full stop. Now shut up and take all my money (no not really, April Fools.)


You and yours always have my support, no matter what. You were immediately on my mind when I first heard about it. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself first, ok? c:

Wesley Foxx

Oh, look, it's a convenient excuse to up my tier. You guys do your best, don't let the rain distract you from the rainbows in life. <3