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I know I haven't finished the recap yet, but Tekking101 asked me to do a video for his livestream by the 30th, so I thought it'd be a good idea to get that done first to remove some pressure.

Discord: https://discord.gg/uZvgeM

Doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RxBLk0KfPPrEVxl24CQS2I972gpe0pt7enUljMalWMc/edit?usp=sharing


Top/Bottom 5 Kanto episodes

Intro 5. 4. Holy Matrimony! 3. Charmander - The Stray Pokemon 2. Go West, Young Meowth Honorable mentions Sabrina Giant Pokemon Tentacruel School Of Hard Knocks Pokemopolis 1. Ash Catches A Pokemon Conclusion Intro 5. Hypno's naptime 4. Challenge Of the Samurai 3. Path To The Pokemon League...


Michael McKinney

I knew I recognised Tekking101's name from somewhere, evidently I should have given it a google.