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Hey, guys! Remember when I was super sick and had to postpone the stream, and then when I did do the stream I felt better but still sounded like sausage casing full of mucus? So about that... it didn't get better.

I've been spending the last week sweating and oozing in various states of discomfort, and that is why the script stopped short and the video is late. I'm feeling much better now, finally, but annoyingly it happened to coincide with my meltdown week (this is actually not very surprising: extreme stress can compromise the immune system), so I'm getting VERY far behind, which ain't good for rent etc.

So here's the current situation: I currently have a schedule lined up so that I'm pretty sure I can get caught up without taxing myself too much. There are some low-editing-effort videos I'm putting out that I should be able to release in a timely manner. For those curious, they are:

- Season recap
- My 15 Biggest Journey Screw-Ups
- My top 5 season 1 eps
- My bottom 5 s1 eps

After that it's onto the orange islands (and the usual schedule) proper. as I said, I'm pretty sure we can get these out by the end of the month, but if we can't, I need to ask you all something. Would you be okay if I took the equivalent of a 'sick day' if I can't get enough vids done by the end of the month?

A 'sick day' in this sense would mean a charged post the wasn't a full vid. I'd probably just charge my Q & A stream or something similar.

Remember that the poll is anonymous and that these would be extremely rare, only when I'm completely wiped out like I was this week. Also, please don't feel guilty if you wouldn't feel comfortable paying for a sick day, your money is valuable and I'm extremely lucky to get what I do.

Thanks for your patience and look forward to the cool new videos coming up!



Dude it's not the end of the world if you don't post a video. I'd rather have you well rested and not sick rather then you pushing yourself. You can take as much sick leave as you need. We can wait.

Michael McKinney

*puts on best J. Jonah Jameson voice* SUEDE!!! You think you can take sick days when I need pictures of Pokemon!!!! Nah man, I would get irritated if it was more than a few in a year, like 4 or 5 I guess, but you don't seem to have abused your fans yet. Now then, "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME SUEDE'S IMMUNE SYSTEM! GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!!!" Side note just because you might laugh, when I saw this post, I thought "Down With The Sickness" was some kind of rap and I was curious who put it out, then I saw it was you and thought it must be a Pokerap. Took me longer than I'm prepared to admit to realise my folly.


...So the next 4 videos are the SFDebris episode, the Linkara episode, and the ThatSciFiGuy episode split in two. Cool


Hi there suede l just started to donation £20 to your work and I now it will be a long time till I get my wallpaper but when your artist get around to doing it can be of me playing a Nintendo 3ds on the back of a torterra because torterra is my favourite pokemon. And also I'm 16 to 20 I have brown hair and full beard (but I don't mind if you don't dawn the beard) and last I like to be wearing a orange hoodie because orange is my favourite colour and I like hoodies please. I now I just made a long list of things and it well be a long time till I see it but at the end of the day I love you work and I don't mind waiting for it thank you.


Dude... Take time off to make yourself feel better. Working yourself to death (figuratively) won't help anyone.


I can’t vote for either opinion as I don’t like either one. if you’re sick, you’re sick. Take some time to recoup. The Protestant work ethic is overrated anyroad.


Will there be a Calling it Now episode somewhere in there? It might be good to diversify with a few other things just in case you get hit by copyright bots or whatever.


Yeah, I'm kinda not comfortable voting for either of the two choices, either. Dear Suede, we all know you're dedicated to your work, but we all really want you to take care of you and yours as well! :)


Even though I can easily see The Misty Mermaid being on the Bottom 5, I'd rather you get some rest. Though if I could, I'd help out with the movie reviews and, if possible, be in one of the Sinnoh movie reviews ideally Zoroark as I have tons of fond memories of DP. But this is just my dreams and wants. Rest up.