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Huh, so the last two filler episodes, have involved the characters getting their own filler. Eh? Eh?

Peter McDevitt

Can't believe the Indigo League is almost over. What happens to the Journey next?


He wants to continue into future seasons of the anime. Though he's still deciding on how to tackle the filler episodes so it won't take him 20 years to get to where the anime currently is.


fyi, the "new patreons" at the beginning were all put ontop of each other in the center of the screen, rather than spread out so each is readable


DO NOT start with the Tauros releasing or trading. That is just...GAH! Professor Oak's lab is not hell, they are happy there together, and Ash trading them randomly is utterly out of character. Think how long it took him to trade Aipom to Dawn for petes sake!


I am happy I was a cause for one of the edits :0


His Charmander was almost as powerful as Ash's Charizard? What? That's not true just wait an episode and you will see how one sided a fight between the two of them would be.


I'm disappointed that it's password locked because I want to download it. No, not to deprive you of views -- for as long as they're available, I'll always turn to your online releases -- but because I'm always afraid that something so great would be deleted and likely lost forever. I want to archive your works.


It might not be hell, but I don't know if they're necessarily happier there than they would be in the wild. I'm more asking why he doesn't just release 'em.


I was just referring to how at that particular situation, I couldn't imagine Charizard doing any more damage with it's claws than Charmander did. XD I wasn't entirely serious.


Happy A is Happy B: there is no sign that there is anything wrong with living in captivity. I'm a wildlife major, and while many are huge on wildlife for wild spaces, I'm of the opinion that 'captivity isn't that bad and I'd rather have a surviving population in captivity than a struggling one in the wild'. Plus being there means they can be part of Oak's research projects, which are for the good of Pokemon and humans in general, much easier than if they were wild. Tauros also seem to be social Pokemon, so messing with the herd dynamic is liable to have negative side effects for the mental if not physical health and wellbeing of the Tauros he does keep. The only reason to release the Tauros is under the 'assumption' that they'd be happier, not an actual fact they'd be happier. If Shudo did his Pokemon revo plot, maybe that would have come up, but given the many, many, MANY, problems I see with that idea (For example, Pikachu was supposed to lead it, and this far along I fail to see what would motivate Pikachu to do so. The only two ideas I have involve Ash going full on Adventures Lance, or one of those 'Ash really did get screwed over for no good reason' moments. Given the Samurai Episode broken aesop aimed at him between the Samurai and responsibility for that mess, Togepi's egg being snapped from him, next episode, and a few other points I could see Shudo having Pikachu decide Ash sucks because of such a following example. Ash: Sorry buddy, but if I didn't put you in your ball over your objections you'd have died painfully. My lungs suffered immense damage saving your life Pikachu: They betrayed me, they tricked me, and I don't care anymore. Shudo had interesting ideas...but implementing them would have been the G rated End of Evangelion.


I think it's because it makes it harder for it to be taken down. Someone wanting to do a takedown would have to be an actual patreon member before they could even check the video to claim.


Ahh and this is where the famous tradition of Pokemon league overpowered character ass pulls started. Suddenly a new character who can beat Ash's ass into the ground suddenly appears with no foreshadowing or any warning at all. I probably shouldn't hold it against this episode but it always bugs me nonetheless.

Neo Ultra Mike

Well that's the thing: Richie really isn't that because he really only wins because of a lot of outside forces that have nothing to do with him but rather things that screw over Ash and Ash's own personal issues that I'll get to my problem with when Suede goes over that episode. However it can be argued pretty easily that without those Ash would of likely beat Richie who IMHO though I can see as sort of a Gary Stu comes off more clone lite of Ash considering he's still so easily gulliable and earnest. I don't think he's a great character since it does feel like the writers just wanted to make they're own take as Ash as his new rival but took out what made Ash stand out as an interesting really flawed character but honestly this is probably Richie at his more Gary stuish in the entire series honestly as it doesn't carry over as much in other episodes.


It's definitely something personal for me and only in retrospect. As you said Richie is much better then Tobias and his ilk and when I watched this show as a kid I had no problem with it. But now re-watching I'm reminded of stuff that hasn't happend yet. I know that it's unfair to judge an episode based on my experience with a latter episode (much latter) but that's my reaction the whole thing upon re-watch. I feel it would have been better had Richie been introduced sooner then he was but even then they've tried that too and it just feels like the writers are trying everything they can to keep Ash from winning. But like I said this is a kneejerk reaction so don't take me too seriously. It's not something I get seirously upset with just minorly annonyed.

Neo Ultra Mike

I will fully agree with having Richie being introduced sooner having been a lot better. And hell the franchise itself already gives an example of how that works out better: In the Electric Tales of Pikachu manga they cover the Indigo Plateau finale tournament in the last two chapters of the third series. And only after the first match do they really actually introduce Richie and his Pikachu Sparky and see him become really close with Ash. And that is given a lot of focus in that manga (probably too much as there is very little time spent on actual you know Pokemon battles. Seriously you think the anime showed little of these matches, they at least showed SOME of what happened in matches 2 and 3 which is much more then we got in the comic) seeing them bond and talk and actually seeing it was Richie who beat Gary (offscreen but still beat him) to build him up instead of Gary just losing to... a random trainer who we know nothing about. Seriously if they introduced Richie sooner (which is something we'd at least see in later tournaments: trying to introduce some of Ash's compettition not just the episode before or in the episode he fights him even if yeah there are still just introduced out of the blue) this upcoming match would mean a lot more as it'd take more time to build on the relationship then like the... day or so/ep we got here. But yeah I get the personal bias. Hell even as a kid I remember being really ticked off Team Rocket is up to they're same old tricks since I thought the previous episode with them as successful badge sellers would be what they'd do the rest of the tourney but no it isn't and ugh get to why that really ticks me off next time but point is this is a poorly handled introduction to ... at best sort of okay but all too familiar character.


I liked the [adult swim] reference at the end!


He actually mentions wanting to return to the Pokémon movies if he can. He reached the Patreon goal some time back and is thinking of doing that next (copyrights willing), he even had a poll of wear ever or not to continue with Pokémon Heroes, or start again from scratch, most likely due to the Channel Awesome controversy and one of his former co-stars.