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Sorry for how late this one is, had to work double time to make up for family getting sick. Sure hope there aren't any massive problems with this one, because it's up on CA tomorrow! D8


Suede's Pokémon Journey, Ep.44: The Problem With Paras

Turns out the whole pokemon inter-marrying thing was hinted at WAY earlier than Diamond and Pearl! To skip patrons: 1:00 Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



You don't need to worry about mistakes. I deliberately went into 'full on editor mode' to try and catch anything that might be fixable before the deadline, but I saw not a thing that needs changing at all. I don't recommend working under time pressure, but you did a fantastic job. If there are any errors, they were small enough to not show up. :) (Damned 'enter' making it complete!) AHEM! ANYWAY! I also wanted to add that the episode, as usual, is hilarious. I know when I watched you script, I had a ton of concerns about th e*content* of the show (not your review; the show itself) but showing the bits, as well as the descriptions combined with it, really made it clear that my concerns about it were unfounded. You also explained it well, *and* the show itself addresses it (with the 'pig' comment). I actually kind of liked that fact. Not just for the callback, but the fact they themselves addressed it. Also, it's a good sign that I was laughing fit to wake up the neighbours from the *very first moment*. That text scroll tickled my funny bone in just the right way. I found it friggin' hilarious. I can't even.


Also, I hope that the family's illness is nothing overly serious, and that everyone is, if not back on their feet, at least recovering at a good pace. :)


My name was misspelled on the Patron crawl. It's "Will Herrmann" with two Rs and two Ns (also two Ls). That said, if you don't have time to re-render and reupload it before the CA deadline, don't worry about it. My name has been misspelled enough in my life and I'll be fine with having it fixed next episode.


This episode was the first one I ever saw...and I *hated* it. I came expecting big Pokémon battles and defending the world against evil, but instead found both the good guys and the bad guys throwing Pokémon battles for the benefit of a weakling Pokémon I was never invested in, and the main character discovered he was too pathetic a trainer to control his coolest Pokémon. Worse, it aired again two or three weeks later so I had to endure it again. I suppose I might have liked it better if it wasn't my first exposure to the anime, but it was a terrible first episode.


Woah, when did Charmander evolve? I sort of remember it from when I was a kid but I think I missed it here. I guess I should stop being lazy and look it up myself.


He evolved at the end of the episode before this one.