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Bianca Allaine was 16 years old when she first met Marilyn Manson. It was also the night he raped her 14 year old best friend. That was just the beginning of the story. There was also the night John 5 raped a 16 year old girl. 


kathleen ashe

This man steals young women's souls.


hey Funhouse Mirror. It sounds like you could use some encouragement or reminding that not all males want to take advantage of women. The examples you mention are kind of extreme - talking about rock stars, and people in wartime. The people who suffer in wars, have terrible things happen to them and they become desensitized. In a crazy environment like that, rape is not one of the worst things that can happen to a person. It is definitely within the human being's capacity to act this way. But for counter-examples, look to your friends and neighbors, the men you know. Most of them will not have done anything that terrible. When I was younger I groped a girl and made inappropriate advances - I think that's the extent of what most men have done that was hurtful in that very aggressive way that triggers you. That's what most of us have hiding in our closets. I think you should counter-balance your focus on these extreme acts with the focus on the normal, more 'boring' lives of everyday men, who don't get up to all this crazy stuff. Since you are interested in the psychology of a man's thought process, I will say a few words. When I was young and full of hormones and didn't feel loved by women, and found it hard to accept being single at any time, I would be tempted to do extreme things (not like the things above, but just aggressive approaches etc.), to get intimacy from women. As I grew up, I realized how my actions affected other people. I came to cherish the golden rule. Now I would rather suffer myself than cause harm. I don't think I'm an anomaly. Many guys are big hearted or at least, not monsters. I think if you find a man (unless you already have) and shack up with him, you will find out we are basically the same as you. I wish you lots of good things and a happy time in life.