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Bruno Mars Is Not A Very Good Gambler, Bill Maher Throws A Tantrum Because He Wasn't Invited To A Party So He Fired His Agent Of Twenty Years, Elizabeth Hurley Felt Safe Filming All Her Sex Scenes Because Her Son Was Directing Her, Arian Grande Is Number One But There Is No Truth She Has A SpongeBob Tattoo, Kate And William Went To The Market While Harry Went Skiing With Corey Gamble???!!, Adele Has A Ticket Sales Problem, Wash Your Produce If You Have Shopped At The Safeway In Ft. Collins, CO, Coachella Has A Ticket Sales Problem, Proctor And Gamble And The History Of Their "Satanic" Logo, 



Imagine the Gvmnt having full access to subliminal messages being inserting into ads? Join the Army, You hate Guns, the Gvmnt will protect you.... 🤣🤣🤣🙄☠️☠️☠️


Lol, wouldn't two sets of 666 cancel each other out??? 😂😂