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Either someone is leaving a very big tip, she's had a very busy night, or both! Finished up this part 2/2 since I thought the first from last month needed a small follow-up. She's going to need a shower for sure as I can't imagine sharpie is easy to wash out of fur. Sure was fun though!

Versions here are: The original, The Really Lubed Up (no one technically made a mess but it's nice to tip ;3 ), and The Pristine Clean


Thanks so much for the support! Last month's ZIP files for the $5+ tier folks also went out today so make sure to check your inboxes for those :D



Stoker Bramwell

What can anyone add except "huff," as the kids say @_@

Azin The Wizard

Sandra knows how to have a good time.


Nice work! Sandra looks good in these art scenes!

Omi and Lucas

I loooooove Sandra’s body type in these recent images! Very relatable! ;3 <3


Lovely pieces! c: Love seeing Sandra; in both SFW and NSFW works! ;3 (That's a lot of sharpie marks damn).


23 boys! That’s some stamina she has..