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Sandra in an unknown place on the timeline having a bit of fun with anyone who is up for it! This is 1 of 2 images, with the second finished pieces coming your way soon. For now, enjoy her goal of starting up a small collection. 

If you want to join just make sure to follow the rules: condoms, or body shots. After all, she just bought those sheets, and she wants to keep them as clean as possible. If you insist on making a mess, you'll have to tip.


Thanks so much for the support everyone! Hope your April went swimmingly :D




Ooh, dibs.

Lynxy Lynx

I guess Ben left a big tip ;3

Robin Raccoon

Sandra is one of the prettiest characters out there <3


All of the variations look lovely! ;3 Love the colour scheme/tint/shade/hopefullyyougettheidea and the colour fading background, among other...parts.


My my, so many tips were made that day


Wait so is this an actual thing we can sign up for? X3


Ah, yes, a beautiful little scenario


Such a tempting offer


Nice! Btw what kind/type of women is Sandra into? I was wondering since you mentioned that she’s bisexual. 🙂


She likes a variety of types, though usually she leans a bit more towards the shorter side (like herself) and peppy! She also tends to be a little less dominant with other women than she is with men, but honestly she's just a big switch in general.