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UPDATE: ZBrush released a FREE version of ZBrush TODAY! This wasn't planned funnily enough it is just a fantastic coincidence! 

Check it out here! http://zbrushcore.com/mini/features.php 

This would pair perfectly with the Mentorship tier! It is essentially a way better version of Sculptris. VERY simple and beginner friendly. It is limited on features of course, but it is everything a beginner would need. The brushes circled below are EXACTLY what I use for 90% of my work flow. Let me know if you have questions.


Hi everyone!

Yesterday there was a great discussion in the 3D Modeling discord that raised a lot of good questions. When do you know a model is done? How do you know what to work on next? How do you stay productive? 

I was able to answer these questions with a wall of text but... I don't know if that is very helpful in the longterm so I decided to launch the Mentor Tier!


The $15 Mentor tier differs from the $10 Learn to 3D Model tier in 3 key ways. 

  • Weekly Check-Ins

If I haven't heard from you that week I'll send a message checking if you need anything. This is not to pressure or rush you to do anything.  Life gets BUSY and I don't expect you to be dedicating hours and hours every week. This is to help those shy artists that might need something but aren't comfortable asking. 

  • Personalized Assignments

If you join the Mentor tier, the first thing I will ask you is what is your goal. It can be anything. It can be general such as you want to sculpt 3D printable characters. Or it can be specific that you want to sculpt fairies. Whatever it is, I will create assignments for you to focus on.

EXAMPLE: Your goal is to sculpt fairies but you've never touched a 3D modeling program. 

ASSIGNMENT: Get familiar navigating your program. I'll ask for you to learn how to rotate, move, and pan your model. 

As you can see, these are assignments NOT month long projects. They are meant to be bite sized. I will teach you as fast as you want to learn.  I will provide a new assignment every time you complete the old one ^_^ You choose your pace.

  •  Supportive Feedback

Your 3D modeling journey will be frustrating and challenging at times. The last thing you need is for you teacher to be a jerk! I love to teach and I'm here to keep you motivated and working towards your goal. Think of it like a personal trainer, but for art!


These new benefits will add onto all of the perks that already exist in the $10 tier!

  • Live weekly classes (25 lessons already recorded)
  • Archived livestreams of me working in real time (110+ hours recorded)
  • Access to ZBrush files
  • Invite to 3D Modeling Discord

Note that all $30 Merchants are automatically entitled to the Mentor benefits! Let me know if you want to start your 3D modeling journey ^_^



Let me know if the comments! 

Mia Kay




Thank you Zaxus!! I wanted to offer this months ago but I wanted to make sure I could teach the $10 tier effectively first. I am so excited for this!!

GM Numbat

This is a fantastic offer.


This. This right here.. this is why you are amazing. Your dedication to supporting and educating is commendable and inspiring. I’m proud to be supporting you.


Aw thanks! I have more time than I thought and I love to teach so I might as well share what I've learned :D

Matt Brown

This is exactly what I'm looking for and having recently finished my distance learning uni degree I'm actually looking for something just like this.