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The search results for Umberlee are all over the place. It is unclear whether she has legs, tentacles, or a tail.

In summary she is a chaotic evil goddess of the sea. She is powerful, and oftentimes cruel. Similar to the ocean, she is apathetic at best. 

So which piece of concept art do you want my final design to resemble the most?
Feel free to link and comment your own ideas!

OPTION  1 : Human

OPTION 2 : Mermaid Tail

My sculpt of Umberlee would look more chaotic evil instead of the lawful good look going on here.

OPTION 3 : Unique humanoid with tentacles

Isn't this piece stunning?! Just incredible. Reminds me of the Zora from Zelda : Breath of the Wild. (Excellent game btw)

OPTION 4 : More traditional humanoid with tentacles

Sorta like Ursula from The Little Mermaid


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