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Green bar: pledge increase

Red bar: deleted pledges

Blue bar: amount pledged at the end of the month

In February I decided to release my models for free and consequently pissed off a fair amount of people. I received a handful of hate mail of "I paid $3 for this, how dare you release it for free" and what not. So as you can see in February the red bar is fairly substantial. Surprisingly, it was still positive that month!

In March I have gained the support of even more awesome people. We are at 99% of the next goal! Which will allow me to release 2 more models a month!

You guys and gals are wonderful. 

I receive really sweet, helpful messages on a weekly basis, and so many of you give excellent constructive criticism!

Thanks to those that joined recently. Thanks to those that have been here for several months, and some from the very beginning!

Much love,
Mia Kay



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