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I got a new glass palette recently, which is an upgraded version of my previous one and I love it. However, I’ve been thinking more and more lately about how convenient a vertical palette can be. You place it right alongside the painting and can easily and seamlessly move your hand from the palette to the painting as you work. 

I know many artists who use it and I've been getting quite a few recommendations to try it as well. 

I’d love to hear everybody’s opinion on that! 

What kind of palette do you use? 



Abby VW

Hi Daria, I'm new here and learning a lot already! I was mixing colors yesterday and noticed my palette knife feels scratchy when I mix the paints on my new glass palette.. The knives don't seem scratched up. Is there a palette knife you recommend or is this normal?

Daria Callie

Hi Abby, Sorry for the slow reply. No I think you maybe need to try a different palette knife.. This is a kind of a palette knife I have: https://www.aaustinart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/painting_knife.jpg There is an alternative of it in many brands :)

Kristina Floyd

I use a sheet of glass that I have back-painted with Acrylic Paint to the neutral color it needs to be. I like that you use a lighter neutral pallete. Some Oil Painters use the Sepia toned or darker colors on their palettes. As to mounting the palette on the side of the easel in an upright position, I think it would be a problem to mix paint. If you mean something else, can you post an image and show the benefit of it?

Daria Callie

I see! Yeah, it’s not for paint mixing but to put the colors next to the easel or the painting as you paint. I’ve done that actually now a few times, you can see it in some of my latest videos (the studies I’ve done where you can see the palette next to the painting) I still prefer to put the palette on the table next to me, it’s something I’m used to and find convenient.