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Halsin/Mother Nature – tentacle porn; drunk sex – Halsin got drunk during a celebration and walks into the forest where Mother Nature has her way with him. Turns out She is pretty horny.


Halsin wanders away from the festivities while they are still going strong. He has imbibed quite a bit of the sweet wine one from his grove has brought out and his body feels warm and loose from it sitting in his belly.

It has been far too long since he has had the opportunity to wander through the forest and soak in its beauty. Captivity did not suit him one bit; he had missed the cool wind on his skin and the moist dirt beneath his feet while sitting in the dark heat of the Goblin cells.

Soon enough the sound of the celebration thankfully dies down, leaving him with the soft murmur of all the creatures around him. His feet are unsteady and knees a bit too loose to properly walk but the trees are there to brace him should he need a moment of rest.

It is during one of these short breaks that he feels the touch at his ankle. Soft and questioning; more a suggestion than anything else. He looks down to see a smooth vine that is wiggling at him cheekily before slowly slipping around his ankle.

“Oh… my love,” he sighs. His eyelids are heavy from the sweet wine, so he lets them slide shut, his head lolling to the side to lean against the bark of the tree. “I have missed you as well. So much.”

He feels the reassuring squeeze of the vine around his ankle – and hears the soft rustling of the bush as more creep out of hiding, slipping around his wrists and beneath his thin clothes.

He is gently lifted up into the air, yet another vine, bigger and meatier than the others, curling around his throat and giving it a gentle squeeze before sliding in a tickling little dance across his mouth.

Halsin lets his head tilt back, a smile on his lips.

“Oh… It is Spring, is it not, my love? Do you feel… playful tonight?” he croons, excitement pooling low in his stomach; even headier than the wine.

The thick vine gently slides between his open lips, dragging along his tongue. He can taste the sweetness of Mother Nature, the silk of the plant texture as she lightly fucks the appendage against his tongue. The secretions it quickly begins to ooze out get him to drool liberally, the moisture dripping from his chin as his head is tilted back further, opening his throat up for more exploration.

The wine keeps his cock feeling heavy and unresponsive but he knows that it will not stay like that for long; not when a cheeky little vine crawls up his pants leg and tickles his piss slit before starting to penetrate his hole. The burn travels down his legs and up into his belly, somewhat dissipating the lethargic fog that has descended upon his mind.

He wants to sigh sweet little nothings but all he can do is gurgle softly as the vine thrusts deeper into his throat.

Tonight will be unforgettable.


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