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Soldier/Cassidy(/Reaper) – For once, Cole earned himself a present from his hardass commander... or maybe Gabriel is just too eager to see his 'wife' get fucked by another man.

Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)


The door opens and one Cole Cassidy is marched in by Gabriel who has his neck gripped with one hand as if to make sure the young man wouldn’t balk.

Or maybe that he wouldn’t spring Jack like the horny dog that he is. He’s all loose, long limbs and and sweaty palms which he keeps rubbing against his thick thighs as he watches Jack come out of the small kitchen.

“Damn, boss… you really didn’t need to…” he trails off, just staring at Jack like a hungry wolf. It’s unknown whether he really is into playing ‘husband and wife’ with his boss and his boss’ slut, or whether he just gets so stupidly excited about the prospect of sticking his dick into someone.

He’s still young enough to get all giddy and stupid about it but old enough that Jack hopes he might get a good ride out of it before Cole manages to pump out his load.

Gabriel promised him that the kid has a nice fat cock.

“Good soldiers get treats,” Gabriel replies easily. He still got Cole by the scruff, pushing him into the room even further so the door would finally close behind them. “But if you don’t want to play, I’m sure Genji is all up for it as well.”

“No, no… no I want to. I really do.”

Cole hasn’t left Jack out of his eyes even once. He knows that the Commander is wearing nothing underneath that apron of his and that visibly turns him on. He’s easy like that.

“Good. Then show some manners and go greet my wife.”

Gabriel can hear him whisper ‘fuck yeah’ like the degenerate mutt that he is. He lets go of Cassidy, watching him move closer to Jack who just stands there, observing the whole exchange. He does not expect Cassidy to bear hug him to his barrel chest and press a big kiss against his mouth, that much is obvious from how his body briefly stiffens, but he slowly relaxes opening up to the rude tongue of the young man like the good whore he is.

Cassidy kisses him deep, all but tongue fucking the throat of his boss’ husband. He kisses like he’s been dreaming of this moment which has Gabriel put a small reminder into his phone to ask the ingrate about it later.

Finally he pulls back, though he does not let Jack out of that bear hug of his. “Damn, Miss Reyes… you look so good.”

The line is stupid but he makes it work with that deep, smooth voice of his. Jack doesn’t need much anyway; he immediately looks suitably embarrassed, his cheeks flushing and blue eyes cutting to the side.

Gabriel swallows thickly. He snaps his fingers a few times so Cole will turn his head and look at him.

“That’s not how you treat a lady, now, is it? No wonder you don’t get any pussy. You’re lucky my girl is a whore and lets just about anybody get a leg up on her. Go on and get her wet, why don’t you. Can’t cram that big fucking dick into her snatch if she’s dry as the desert, huh?”

Jack groans softly. He moves as if trying to turn away from the both of them, though he is unable to in Cole’s bear hug. “Oh God, Gabe…”

Cole is all for it. He’s nearly bouncing on the spot as he wildly looks around the quarters, then lets go of Jack and gestures to the couch. “Milady.”

Gabriel can’t help but notice how he is still clutching Jack’s elbow like he can tell that if he doesn’t have a grasp on him the whole time, Jack will just about flee.

Jack swallows thickly but moves along. After a moment of hesitation, he leans over the armrest of the couch, his naked ass sticking out into the air.

Cassidy is immediately behind him, too puppy eager to really enjoy the sight. He needs to get his hands on Jack’s hips and rut his clothed dick against his crack, so that’s what he immediately does like the unfixed bastard that he is.

“Damn, Miss Reyes… you really are easy, ain’t ya? Shit, the boss told me all sorts of things about ya but I didn’t think they were true…”

“Cassidy!” Gabriel barks. “Less talking, more preparing!” He crosses his arms in front of his chest, pretending like he isn’t sporting a fat hard-on from the sight of Jack getting all but mounted by this ingrate without so much as a peep of protest.

He’s flushed and panting and all for it. He loves how Cassidy talks to him, that much is obvious.

Cole gives him a sloppy salute and squats down behind Jack. He spreads his cheeks and just goes in tongue first and with an enthusiasm that only a mongrel like him can show.

Damn, Gabriel can even hear him lick; nice and wet and eager as he drags his tongue across Jack’s hole over and over again.

Jack immediately claps a hand over his mouth, muffling a whining moan into his palm. He always is a slut for being used – but especially when it involves getting his pussy eaten. As if Gabriel doesn’t make him spread his thighs every damn night so he can service that hungry slit of his…

He moves closer, briefly watching as Cole forces his tongue past Jack’s trembling hole before reaching down and grabbing his lover’s wrist.

Pulling his hand away from his mouth he croons: “Ah, ah, ah… I wanna hear it when he spreads you on his fat dick, girlie.”

Jack’s soft protest is drowned out by Cole pulling back, a string of saliva briefly connecting his mouth to Jack’s hole before it snaps and he wipes the back of his hand over his lips.

“Oh fuck can I? Please?” he sounds drunk. He kind of looks like it too. Just a kid with a fat hard-on hoping he can finally pump out his load in a warm hole instead of one of his used gym socks.

Gabriel rolls his eyes. Like his dick isn’t drooling from the sight of how desperate Cassidy wants to fuck his ‘wife’.

“By all means… she didn’t have any cock all day, I bet she’s gagging for it by now. Aren’t you, honey?” He asks the last with a sardonic twist of his mouth. Jack groans, burying his face against the cushions of the couch.

“Can w-we at least do it s-somewhere else? I don’t want to clean the couch again…”

“Nah… I think this is the perfect place. I’m sure young Cole here would love seeing you do a bit of work around the home after he pumped a load out.”

“Oh damn yeah I do,” Cole rasps. He’s already on his feet again. His dick is out, long and swollen, slapping against the crack of Jack’s ass. He moves his hips back and forth a few times, leaving a snail-trail of pre-cum along Jack’s crack before finally slotting it against his hole.

Gabriel’s hand tightens on Jack’s wrist; not because he fears that the other will start fighting it or because he wants to reassure him… no, the sight of Jack getting his pussy stuffed by another guy is just so unexpectedly exciting to him. Cole is the first one he let know about that little roleplay he has going with the Strike Commander. He is glad that the ingrate is just too horny to be weirded out by anything.

Finally, Cole pushes forward. Jack makes a sound like he is immediately choking on his own tongue, back arching and ass pushing up into the cock pushing its way mercilessly into his body.

Cole’s tongue is hanging out. He leans over Jack’s back, his hips doing little humping motions that barely manage to move his cock inside the tight clench.

“Oh fuck, Missus Reyes… your pussy feels so nice-” He sounds so honest. Like a damn College kid that is lucky enough to get to fuck his teacher’s wife.

Gabriel just watches, mouth slightly open as Cole starts to fuck him more and more properly until he’s ramming so hard into Jack that he throws his head back, neck straining and eyes rolling up into his head. He’s not used to getting fucked like this. Just a raw, powerful back-and-forth of a big fat dick reaming his insides.

No finesse, no gentleness… just Cassidy being stupidly honest about their roleplay, muttering sweet little nothings to ‘Missus Reyes’ about how good her cunt feels as he grunt fucks into Strike Commander Jack Morrison.

He certainly holds out longer than Gabriel would ever have imagined. Give it a couple years and he has the stamina of a bull… he could maybe let him have a go at Jack in the morning and come back at lunch time to see the grand finale of his lover’s insides getting coated in the ingrate’s cream.

Fuck, that’s a really nice thought… and he is sure Jack won’t have a peep of denial to say about that.


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