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Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)

Cassidy/Hanzo(/everybody else) – Cassidy finds out the depths of Hanzo-I'm-So-Prim-And-Proper Shimada.


Lúcio isn’t saying a thing but Cole is aware of his presence close behind him, just voyeuristically watching the train wreck of him trying to talk up Shimada. It is obvious what he wants, of course. He must look like some kind of unfixed dog, limping toward this wet dream made flesh. He’s almost drooling at the sight.

Close enough, he can see the pouch of leather – or whatever it is his dessous are made of – filled out nicely with his cock. He’s putting it on goddamn display; for everybody to see. For everybody to know he’s ready to be fucked like the slut he is.

The look he throws Cole, calmly watching him approach, seems not very eager, though. He looks up up and down, assessing him as much as Cole is ogling him back. He can practically see him weighing his options and whether Cole is good enough to scratch that itch he obviously has tonight.

Those velvety dark eyes slide through the rest of the room, looking at the other team mates. He’s thinking about it even before Cole has approached and tried to fumble his way through making a pass.

His brain isn’t really functioning right now; not with a baseball bat he’s got in his fucking jeans.

Lúcio, the little asshole, is laughing behind him. He sounds like a leprechaun; just so deviously happy about the whole situation.

Cole almost wants to turn around and give him the finger when he hears stunned silence upon Hanzo nodding with a roll of his eyes and grabbing Cole’s hand to pull him out of the room.

Eyes are following them. They know that Hanzo is about to let Cole fuck him like a bull. There’s no other possible explanation; not with the slut putting himself on display like that. Showing off his body to everybody that cares to look. Letting them get a taste of what they could get if they just wanted to spread his supple thighs…

And Cole wants to. Oh, he wants to so badly. He keeps taking big gulps of his glass, eyes on Hanzo’s ass being outlined to perfection in the wet looking, clinging sheet he wrapped around himself.

He’s so into just staring that he doesn’t notice it when the glass is empty and just keeps trying to drink from it.

“Where’re we goin’?” he finally asks. He’s still limping, his cock a fat line down one of his jeans legs, throbbing and drooling. He must have a wet spot starting to seep through the thick material. Behind him, he can hear Lúcio’s much lighter footsteps trailing after them.

Hanzo doesn’t reply. Whatever it is he’s been looking for, he finally thrusts out an arm and pushes open the door to a room Cole has never been in before. Inside it looks kind of dusty except for a few crates that got some pillows put out on them.

Stepping in and watching Hanzo make a beeline for the little space, he starts to realize that maybe this is the location Hanzo brings all of his cocks to. Where he can lie down on his pillows and spread his legs to get fucked by whoever has taken his fancy at that particular moment in time.

Fuck, how many of their team mates did this slut already let mount up? Was he the last of them, maybe? It would not surprise him if he were just the very last option this prissy little bitch would consider letting it stick in.

“Damn… you doin’ this often?” He puts his empty glass away finally to be forgotten on one of the shelves. He’s unsteady on his feet, the alcohol definitely messing with his equilibrium as he makes his way toward Hanzo.

Hanzo who unselfconsciously leans over the edge of the crate, cuddling one of those goddamn pillows like the princess he is and sticking his ass out to him.

“Maybe. Stop trying to make that brain of yours work and just get on with it. Or maybe I’ll ask Lúcio… again.”

Cole briefly looks over his shoulder to his friend who shrugs. Unrepentant.

Cole swallows thickly. He steps closer. The door is still open. They can faintly hear the music from the main room that the others are still in. The thump of the bass is getting Cole’s heart pumping… or maybe it is the sight of Shimada’s ass in that slutty get-up of his.

“What are ya supposed to be anyway?” he asks but Hanzo does not answer. He just thrusts his ass out more with an impatient grunt. The message is clear; either Cole gets on with it or he’ll be replaced with a much more obedient and younger model.

He pushes the sheer fabric up, then hooks a finger into the single thin black strap running between Hanzo’s cheeks.

“Where the Fuck did you even get something like this?” he asks with a rasp in his voice. Hanzo does not reply of course. He just turns his head and throws him a little glance from the corner of his eye.

Behind him, Cole hears footsteps and Lúcio going “Oh hey; was wondering where you guys were.”

Cole half turns with his dick out and rubbing between Hanzo’s cheeks to see the door to the little closet filled with quite a few people; all dressed up in costumes and all visibly horny.

“Oh what the Hell?? Can’t a guy at least pump one out in peace without being watched?”

“Stop whining and get to it,” Jack growls from behind the slasher mask. He looks like a brainless brute in his costume. Hanzo shudders and mutters something about not having seen him or he would have chosen differently-

It’s the last straw. Cole turns back around and gives a harsh thrust that jostles Hanzo and has him grunt in surprise.

“Stop bein’ such a mean bitch what the Hell?”

“Just fuck it out of him! He’s always sweet as a kitten after I’ve had him on my cock!” Reinhardt shouts from the back, enthusiastic and happy. Everybody must have had a round on this particular pony.

Cole grits his teeth. He hooks his finger into Hanzo’s little strap again and pulls it to the side. Underneath he can see strings of sticky slick stretching between it and the pouty, well-prepared donut of his hole.

It looks as slutty as they come. Certainly more swollen and obviously well fucked than Cole would ever have thought it to be. And now he’s going to get what everybody else had.

He pushes his crown against that gaping opening and tries to ignore Lúcio happily talking about the last time Hanzo let him mount. He tries not to think about Lúcio in his cute Satyr costume rabbit humping this slutty ass.

Because if he lets himself go down that rabbit hole, this whole encounter will be quick and none of his colleagues will ever let him live it down.

He bites the tip of his tongue, trying to distract himself with the pain as he starts to give it to Hanzo in short bursts that cram his cock into him in just a couple rude thrusts.

He doesn’t want to be a gentleman; not with Hanzo dragging him into his dingy fuck den and a bunch of other guys and gals watching him dicking the slut. Maybe they’re just jovially waiting for their turn, having taken the party into the hallway, not caring that Hanzo’s insides will be wet and sticky with the load Cole’ll pump into him.

Of course Hanzo takes him like a champ. He just opens up and sucks his dick in and groans like he’s getting a nice back massage while it happens.

Cassidy closes his eyes, chin hitting his chest and hips nice and loose and warm as he begins to dick him. This absolute wet dream in the sexy little outfit that shows everything he has off to perfection.

If Hanzo wants Cole to at least give him a little reach-around, he doesn’t say so… and Cole doesn’t do it. He’s focusing on not coming like a damn virgin, cock throbbing and aching something bad as he rams himself without finesse into him until he’s finally bottomed out.

“At least that succubus costume is doing its work, eh?”

Cole’s head feels full with cotton when he hears that. A succubus costume. Oh my God. He groans, leaning forward, hands bracketing Hanzo and hips snapping in what could almost be considered a rhythm as he fucks him properly.

“How the fuck was anybody supposed to know that?” he complaints under his breath.

Hanzo doesn’t shoot anything back, surprisingly enough. He’s just gasping open mouthed, his insides squeezing Cole’s dick like a lover would. Maybe Reinhardt was right and you could fuck the attitude right out of him?

Maybe he should use this more often when the little slut gets mouthy?? Does it mean he just wants a good fat dick to ream him?

God, this night is absolutely magical.


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