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Ganondorf/Rauru – Rauru knows that Ganondorf will betray him sooner rather than later, so he decides to have a bit of fun before that happens.


“I must admit that I am quite surprised to see you have taken me up on my invitation, Ganondorf… surprised and very pleased.”

Rauru does not smile as the sight of his fangs tends to put people off, but his aura certainly is congenial as he gestures toward the other side of the small table, decked out with little treats and tea.

Ganondorf’s gaze flicks over the offered peace gesture. His face twists in what Rauru thinks might very well be disgust. After a moment he lifts his hand briefly, shooing his guards away to… Rauru isn’t quite sure. They seem to simply vanish – but those are the Gerudo ways, he has come to find out.

In all honesty, the huge leader of the Gerudo sitting at the small table with him does look kind of ridiculous. Ganondorf’s hulking stature and broody expression does not fit the bright sunny day and dainty teacups; but Rauru has to admit that he quite likes the sight anyway.

“Please… enjoy yourself. Take whatever you want.”

Ganondorf smiles crookedly and very pointedly does not take anything. His large hands slowly fold together in his lap, the many pieces of jewelry he adorns himself with, glittering warm in the light.

“I was merely wondering what your incessant invitations were about. My Lord.” The last one is spoken like an afterthought and just barely skirts around being an insult for some reason.

Rauru has to admit that he is quite amused. He cocks his head a little, finger dragging lightly over the rim of his cup.

“Straight to the point, I see. Well… as much as I would like to say that there have no ulterior motives been in mind, I would be lying. I had been thinking for quite some time about a way to make our alliance more… steadfast, so to speak.

Something that would show me that you really mean the words you uttered in my throne room.”

Ganondorf’s answering smile is tight and the anger around his eyes is clear.

Rauru, pretending he does not notice, smiles back with a row of sharp, unsettling teeth.


Ganondorf’s whole body is pure muscle. As magnificent as he looks draped in finery and perfectly put together by his attendants, nothing can come quite as close to his natural beauty, kneeling before Rauru and waiting to receive his cock.

His hole had been tight and downright virginal at first but soon enough yielded to the strokes of Rauru’s long, slippery fingers. All while he tried so hard to remain nice and quiet and not let on just how beautifully his body is responding to the King’s ministrations…

“Whatever will your wife think of this,” Ganondorf presses out between clenched teeth. He is on his elbows and knees, the muscles in his back tense. Those are the first words he has spoken since going to his knees for Rauru after divesting himself slowly of his clothes.

Rauru is surprised he can speak at all; he had thought the Gerudo leader had bitten off his tongue in his ire.

He hums, spreading Ganondorf’s cheeks again, thumb slowly rounding his wet hole. It’s already trying to tighten up again. He can’t have that, now… not after the work he went through to get it where it is now. He shuffles forward, lightly nudging the flared crown of his cock against the soft muscle.

“Oh, do not worry yourself,” Rauru says with a lilting voice. “She is quite aware of the… truce we are making. I would not be surprised if she were to stop by in a little while to… watch.”

The same way he is watching himself right now, pushing slowly forward, gently and unrelentingly pushing his cock into the plump, soft muscle he prepared so painstakingly.

Oh, he has been wanting to do just this since the day he’s laid eyes on this man. This gorgeous, feral creature that the Gerudo keep dressing up in the finest jewelry.

All this just for him. This power. This grace. Ganondorf is growling low like a Lynel, the muscles in his shoulders bulging as he fights against his own body. His own need to pull away and not let himself get dominated by Rauru.

There is no doubt in Rauru’s mind that this little show of submission won’t avert Ganondorf’s inevitable betrayal… but at least he’ll have had his fun beforehand.

At least when he battles with this beast of a man he will know what his body has felt like wrapped around his cock; all that power at his fingertips.

He is surprised that Ganondorf had even agree to this in the first place, but he supposes there is no limit to what this man will do in order to achieve his dark desires. Worrying, to say the least. Not something Rauru can really focus on right now, though. Not when he has forced the tip of his cock inside Ganondorf’s thickly muscled, beautiful body and feels him trembling beneath his hands with barely restrained rage.

Or maybe desire? Maybe he enjoys being put to use. Being forced to his knees and made to take the cock of Hyrule’s king.

Rauru lets his hands wander. Brushing them over the broad back, unable to get enough of this feeling of power. He isn’t usually like this… he is well loved and gentle, he knows that much of himself – yet something in Ganondorf brings his blood to a boil. It brings out the darkest, most reprehensible desires in him.

His hair is still made up into an intricate knot that is held in place by yet more subtle jewelry. Having a wild, long mane of hair himself, Rauru shouldn’t be so incessantly fascinated by the sight, but he can feel it tingling in his fingertips to make Ganondorf let down his hair. All that red for Rauru to grab and pull on while he satisfies his urges on the Gerudo leader’s body…

He pushes deeper into him, eyes fixed on the back of his head. Trying to distract himself from the tight, suckling grip on his cock, he continues their little conversation: “Mayhaps you would like to demonstrate your… good will toward the Kingdom to her as well.” Ganondorf turns his head slightly, watching Rauru from the corner of his eye. Not answering yet; probably just trying to wrap his head around what he is saying. “She has a… toy, you see. Made from the smoothest rock… a secret stone, one might call it.”

At that, he can feel Ganondorf shudder; that huge frame trembling, his inside muscles squeezing down on Rauru’s cock – not to force him back out but to hug him nice and secure.

“A secret stone…” he hears him repeat softly, voice a bit rough.

Rauru smiles to himself, knowing that he has him hooked now. Has a revolt maybe pushed back for just a few weeks or months more.

“Indeed. She is very talented with it. She could make you feel even better than I am now.”

He starts to move properly. Not fast, not hard – but certainly fucking the proud King of the Gerudo. Using his body almost against his will. Using him while his guards are undoubtedly watching from whatever little hiding place they have snuck to.

“Think about it. The offer stands,” Rauru continues smoothly, just barely out of breath. As a Zonai he has quite the stamina… he wonders if Ganondorf is aware of it. He wonders how long it will take to wear him down. To make him start lose focus and begin to whimper on his cock.

His body certainly enjoys the attention. His hole is so soft and loving now that he’s started to fuck him on his cock; stretching beautifully for the intrusion and letting him slide nice and deep after just a few minutes of coaxing him into relaxing.

Does he hate being a whore in front of his loyal subjects? Does he think about killing Rauru in the most gruesome way possible while he services him? Rauru is curious. He would love nothing more than to pry into this stubborn man’s head. Though he supposes one kind of penetration has to be quite enough for today.

He pets Ganondorf all over; that strong back, those massive, trembling thighs… He has to stretch to reach around his thick hips and touch his heavy breeder balls. How many wombs has he impregnated with them? They feel hot and swollen to the touch.

Not many in recent history, then. Oh and his cock… it certainly is very interested in his master’s submission. No matter how loud he growls or how often he huffs through that magnificent nose of his.

Mayhaps Ganondorf will yet be Rauru’s. Maybe a tragedy can be averted after all…



The smut is awesome but I also love the tension build up between them beforehand…fucking is the solution to all of Hyrule’s problems 😌


You know it!!! There would be so much more peace if they fucked more…