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Hey peeps!

We need a tie breaker poll because there were 5 options really close to each other and I need 2 clear winners :')

If this poll ends up with similar results, I'll just have to pick the pairing that strikes my fancy!

Just to refresh your minds, I'll add the content of the old poll so you know what this is about :)


This month's polls are all about cock warming but with a bit of a darker edge to it; so a scenario could be a king using a concubine during a meeting – or a villain using one of the captured heroes when the others come to break them free; just to rub it in how much power they have >:3c

Please vote on the 2 characters you'd like to see featured! (For some fandoms I'll just give a pre-decided-pairing as an option)

(PS: I'll include Baldur's Gate characters starting next month. I'll start playing it with my bro next week to educate myself on it haha)

-multiple choice enabled


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