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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#23! Please enjoy this Cole/Genji!

Cole/Genji – Oviposition; pregnant sex – Genji is pregnant with eggs because of magic Dragon shenanigans and Cole helps him out...

Formerly posted with Cassidy's old name


Genji is groaning and clutching his huge belly, and Cole wishes he could do any damn thing to alleviate the obvious pain that is wrecking the young man. He looks out the window. The storm is still going strong and there’s no way he can make the track down into the village and up again with the old healer safely in any amount of appropriate time.

Either he’ll break his neck, or the old hag breaks hers, or Genji will already have laid his eggs by the time he makes it back with the medic in tow.

Cole steps closer to the bed, his hands helplessly fluttering across Genji’s grotesquely distended gut. He has no idea how big the eggs are that Genji’s dragon put into his belly, but there’s no doubt in his mind that there have to be a few of them snuggled into his womb.

(At least he hopes so for the sake of Genji’s poor cunt…)

He doesn’t quite dare to touch for fear of hurting him more, and when Genji whines and curls in on himself like a tight fist, he quickly snatches his hands back to himself.

“‘Twas a dumb idea to go out here… Should’ve shoved the whole thing back a week or two, so you could’ve laid them down in the village. Have the old hag watch over you.”

Genji’s eyes snap open. They glow an eerie green for a second or two before the color bleeds back into his usual dark brown.

“Stop talking and get here!” he hisses, a distinct feral growl to his voice.

Cole jumps, then hurriedly steps closer, helplessly fluttering his hands all around Genji once more without daring to touch.

Genji jerks his chin towards his shoulder.

“Behind me.”

Cole slips behind the highly pregnant young man, not daring to voice any kind of complaint. Genji presses himself backwards and against him, sighing when Cole’s warmth starts slipping into his limbs.

He relaxes somewhat, and Cole takes it as his cue to start carefully rubbing Genji’s upper arms and sides, sweat springing up on his forehead as his fingers inch around, touching the sides of his belly.

“It’s better here,” Genji murmurs. He sounds more like himself now. A little drowsy even, maybe. Cole is just happy that the unholy cramps seem to have vanished for the moment. He dares to let his hands inch further up on Genji’s belly, waiting if the dragon will lash out like it did the past weeks, protecting with raging jealousy what it had put into Genji’s belly some time ago, but it stays curiously quiet this time and lets Cole feel up the distended stomach and the distinct round shapes beneath his palm.

“I don’t want the hag. And I don’t want to be surrounded by spectators and perverts.”

Genji presses himself into Cole, nuzzling his head beneath his chin, voice dropping to a purr as he concludes: “I just want you.”

Cole nods nervously, slowly retracting his fingers. His face burns. He doesn’t want to be one of the perverts, of course. It’s not like he’s getting hot and bothered from Genji’s huge belly and the prospect of watching him grunt out huge egg after huge egg from the cute little cunt he’s got-


He snaps out of it, stares at Genji’s face, flushed and sweaty, though his eyes are remarkably clear and observant.


“Fuck me.”

Cole’s mouth opens in soft surprise. He stares at Genji, mind stalling and doing several false-starts while his cock is already very much on board with the whole idea.

“I… Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean…”

Genji’s hand is in his pants, calm and a bit mean as it grabs his dick and pulls it out. Cole hisses and stays very still – he’s learned quickly that Genji is not to be fucked with  when he’s like this; especially when a low, ethereal growl is vibrating off of him.

Genji arches his back and Cole’s cock slips into the crack of his ass, the spongy head zeroing in seemingly all on its own on the plump pout of Genji’s hole.

“Here. Fuck me here.”

Cole gurgles idiotically, something supposed to say “Yes, of course, dear” and obediently presses forward while Genji’s mean little hand keeps a death grip on his shaft and makes sure he’s finding the right place to fuck into.

It is hot and tight and there is way too little slick, but Genji is determined and Cole does not have the gumption to tell him no.

He just offers up his cock and lets the heavily pregnant boy do his thing. When Genji orders him to start fucking, he moves obediently, one big hand on his hip, trying to watch the impossible stretch of Genji’s little asshole around his cock-

but suddenly Genji is groaning and bearing down, and his attention is drawn to his partner clutching at his huge belly.

“Can I-”

“Hold my leg.” Genji’s voice has gone high and tight with pain. He guides Cole’s hand from his hip down to his leg; shows him to hook his fingers around the thigh and hold it up so Genji’s poor little cunt opens itself to the room naturally.

Genji seems to be working on instinct alone, and Cole just goes along with it while the storm is still raging on outside.

He carefully crams his dick into Genji’s guts, fucking his ass in slow, harsh thrusts as he tries to squeeze more still inside him, toes curled into the bedding for some leverage while Genji whines with every motion.

Cole can feel it all happening; he can feel it when Genji bears down, all his abdominal muscles trembling and relaxing, and he can feel it when the eggs start finally moving. The hard shape of it slides along his own dick. They are only separated by some thin membranes, and the thought that he’s fucking up right against Genji’s kiddos is doing things to his head.

It’s fucked up, but his cock is all on board for it, flexing inside the death grip Genji’s insides have on him.

Genji is howling as the large shape slides farther down and begins to open him up, and when it starts stretching him – the shape way too large for the little cunt he has – his hand is suddenly back on Cole’s arms, fingernails digging in until tears are springing to Cole’s eyes.

“Fuck me!” he hisses. He does not sound exactly human at that point but Cole wouldn’t have dared to disobey either way. He ducks his head and keeps fucking Genji with harsh thrusts. There’s too little goddamn slick to make it anything close to pleasurable but Genji howls and his insides relax somewhat, so Cole keeps going and fucking him through the process of birthing his very first egg.

Genji howls when it finally pops out of him, and the room is drenched in a glowing green light as the dragon bursts forth, the long shape curling between Genji’s shaking legs.

Cole can’t see a damn thing but finally the creature is scurrying away to the side, the egg secure in the endless coils of its body. He’s watching them intently, waiting for the next egg to drop.

Genji does not pay it any mind. He is deep in his own film, shaking and trying to bear down helplessly as the next egg drops. Cole can feel it next to his dick. His head feels filled with cotton. He feels like he would have come ages ago normally, but his cock feels like it is cowed by the whole experience and just working away for Genji.

Genji, on the other hand, does not seem to have any of such hang-ups. He cries beautifully as he comes suddenly, his whole body pulsing and cunt spraying his release in a fine shower while the next egg fills up his stretched-out, burning passage.

Cole closes his eyes and presses his forehead between Genji’s shoulder blades. His dick feels raw but he does not dare stop even one second before Genji tells him he is satisfied. So he keeps giving it to him; filling his ass and trying to fuck orgasms out of him to make birthing his clutch a little easier.

Genji’ll thank him later for it.


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