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Cole/Soldier – Cole and Jack have rented out a cabin so Cole can just go wild on neglecting his personal hygiene and Jack can benefit from it.

(extreme stink kink, so maybe skip this one if that isn't your cup of tea)


Cole all but kicks the door to the cabin open, letting their bags fall down right next to the door and wandering in to throw himself down on the couch. The place is downright chic and he has no idea why Jack of all people got it for them but he won’t complain now.

He groans long and drawn out, placing his arms on the back of the couch, sweat already starting to dry on his skin.

“Thank fuck we’re finally here.”

Jack grunts noncommittal. He is pushing the door closed and throws his bags down next to Cole. He’s just as done with the hiking as he is.

“Here’s to a month of no fucking missions and no Angie to crawl up my ass about ‘keepin’ the others in mind and washin’ myself every few days’.” He briefly puts his voice into a weird falsetto as he copies her. Jack doesn’t react much. He just grunts again. If Cole didn’t know him he’d think he was having a bad time but as things stand he’s probably just embarrassed about how excited he is for all of this.

Cole watches him as he leans to the side and farts loud and obnoxious without an ounce of shame. “There. Christenin’ the place already,” he grunts once he’s done. He’s held that one in for way too fucking long. He can see Jack’s Adam’s Apple bobbing as he swallows thickly, not complaining about Cole’s disgusting behavior.

It’s what they came here for in the first place.

“Think they’ll have to tear the place down once we’re done with it,” he mutters only half to himself as he settles himself down again.


Time flies fast if one has fun. Cole is living the time of his life just watching Jack as the reeck in the cabin gets progressively worse.

The first few days he just pauses when stepping in and inhales nice and deep but that changes over time as the reek becomes more pronounced. Even Cole can smell himself after two weeks of not letting much water on his body. Jack actually becomes a bit pale at that point, looking like he’s about to faint before he gets himself back under control and instead inhales.

He likes forcing himself to smell Cole’s reek. But he likes it even more when Cole forces him into it like squeezing his head underneath his arm and making him inhale the funk of his wet, thickly furred armpit.

He wouldn’t have been surprised if it all devolved into some very harsh dominance play… no, quite the contrary. What does surprise him is how peaceful their stay is overall. How Jack actively seeks out his companionship and sits with him on the couch, the old grumpy asshole having gotten nice and affectionate all of a sudden. Maybe he’s promised himself to let his guard down over their little vacation? Cole approves. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen the old guy this amenable before. He seems just genuinely happy to be here with Cole, stink or no stink.

The fact that he can get his fill on all the nastiness only seems to be a nice bonus. His calmness relaxes Cole in turn as well. Maybe he’s been wondering, deep down, whether Jack is just with him for the nasty factor of Cole? He’s allowed a few insecurities every once in a while, he thinks.

They fuck so often that Cole doesn’t even put on clothes anymore. He just freeballs it all the time, enjoying the way Jack stares at him when he moves through the cabin, taking his cloud of stink with him wherever he goes.

Sometimes he pauses right next to Jack. The first few times he’s had to actively grab his head and pull his face between his hairy cheeks but the old dog is nothing if not easily teachable. By the first week Jack already bends down when Cole makes his way lazily over to then mash his face between his cheeks and let him rip a nasty, bubbling fart which he sniffs loud when he isn’t gagging and retching. Fuck if that doesn’t get Cole hard and dripping so goddamn fast.

Eventually they always find their way into bed. It’s not like they haven’t planned this vacation specifically around fucking like damn rabbits. He doesn’t think he’s ever had his balls drained so thoroughly as in these weeks when all he needs to do is spread his legs to get Jack to crawl between them and suck his balls and lick his ass until he’s good to go and lets him fuck him into delicious, orgasmic bliss.

There’s a few times he almost tells Jack that he’s just very very… happy to have him. To have the both of them here, relaxed and living their best life, just doing what they want and what they like without having to adhere to any social norms…

He doesn’t, of course; it would be just a bit too… lovey-dovey, but it feels like Jack feels it either way. He’s spent most of his life trying to suppress his freaky desires, after all. Having met Cole must feel like some kind of jackpot for him which is all in all a very flattering thought. Cole never had been anybody’s jackpot as far as he knows.

So he pets over Jack’s gray, receding hair as he stuffs his face into Cole’s armpit, inhaling the disgusting reek of his body with gusto. Cole himself is staring at the ceiling, heavy-lidded and feeling sleepy. The air he breathes is thick with his stench. They’ve made sure the windows are all nice and closed so none of his odor would escape so they could both stew in it.

He still wonders if the animals in the forest can smell him. Maybe they give the cabin a wide berth. It doesn’t matter in the end. What matters is the fact that his stink gets Jack so hot that only cramming his face into the humid, reeking space of his furry armpit has him hard and humping against Cole’s thigh.

Thanks to the serum that has kept him this spry all these years he has the refractory period of a guy in his twenties. Cole has stopped trying to keep up with him long ago. He just nurses his chubby half-erection while letting Jack do whatever Jack wants to do. It usually ends in him getting the rest of the way there anyway.

It’s not like he needs to be hard to let him fuck him, after all. His hole has become a fucked-out sloppy cunt. There’s always some cum dribbling out of him these past few days and he’s found himself wondering if he should wear some diapers. Maybe Jack would like that shit too?

It’s a suggestion for another time. There are a lot of things that seem pretty hot when he’s nice and horny but don’t really do it for him once he’s stopped wanting to pump out a load. He’ll have to see…

Jack moves then. He seems done sniffing his pit and giving it the occasional lick and instead moves to stuff his face against Cole’s sac. His whole crotch region is the worst. It started smelling a lot sooner than the rest of his body and Jack’s gag only confirms that. Not that it keeps him from pushing in even harder, licking Cole’s fat nuts and trying to suck them into his mouth.

Every now and then he gags again and has to turn his head away to the side to gasp in some marginally fresh air.

Cole scratches his fingers through Jack’s hair and rumbles in a low, encouraging tone.

When Jack moves in again, Cole lifts one leg and bears down on a fart that makes its way out of him with a noisy, wet splatter. He can hear Jack inhaling deeply for about a split second before he starts gagging and retching, pulling away and burying his nose against his forearm. He looks so pale Cole is worried for a moment he will actually get sick.

He puts his fingertips against Jack’s wrist.

“You okay?” he mutters.

Jack just nods. He takes a few more seconds before he leans back down, one hand now on Cole’s thigh, squeezing gently while he takes deep whiffs still of the rank air. Cole closes his eyes and relaxes. He’s come here with the impression that they would just mindlessly fuck and be nasty together but the longer they stay the more he feels like they’re… growing together. Jack’s hand on him feels nice and tender like a lover. It seems ridiculous to be bonding over the fact that he likes to fart into people’s faces and Jack likes to sniff it, but in the end it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, right?

If they like to be nasty and afterwards hold each other in their arms as if they’ve made the sweetest picture book love, then that’s on them. It just feels right this way… it’s not like they have to justify themselves to anybody. Jack certainly is old enough to be doing just whatever the fuck he wants. So there’s that.

Fuck everybody else.


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