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Happy Halloween!

Hanzo/male Harpy – bird anatomy; non consensual oviposition; Cassidy being a bastard – Hanzo has to just take what he's getting...

Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)


His clothes are no match for the sharp talons of the creature. It slices through them as if they were nothing until big pieces of fabric flutter to the ground. The rest that doesn’t part from his body is just hanging off of him in ribbons.

He can feel the heat that the creature exudes. He can feel its feathers, strangely soft and scratchy at the same time. He has trouble wrapping his head around it. His heart is pounding so fast, he’s getting nauseous just from the thought of the monster losing its grip on him and letting him fall to the ground. There is nothing he could do to soften his fall. Nothing but to pray that Cassidy will for once not be an absolute buffoon and maybe somehow catch him. Or something. He’s not sure something like that is feasible from this height but…

“Hot damn… Uh… I think the thing is sweet on you, Shimada.”

Hanzo tries to look down. Even his neck has become incapacitated by now. All he can do is feel as he is maneuvered about by the monster. He can feel its feathers and its weird leathery skin. He can feel each and every little cut it carelessly leaves in his skin with its sharp talons.

He catches glimpses of its disturbingly human face but not much of its features sticks in Hanzo’s mind. It has feathers growing from its cheeks in lieu of a beard and cold, yellow eyes with which it stares Hanzo down until it turns him around and shifts him around so he can stare at Cassidy standing down below with a stupid expression on his face.

He even takes off his idiotic hat to scratch his head, all urgency seemingly having left his body and replaced by morbid curiosity.

What is it he said? The thing is… sweet on him?

The meaning of the words doesn’t quite sink in until Hanzo can feel the slippery… something against his ass which is currently nestled in the monster’s crotch. He wants to call out in surprise but only manages a weak ‘hhh…’ as what he assumes is the monster’s cock slides between his cheeks and against his hole.

He has no idea what a bird dick looks like. He immediately tries to imagine it just from the feeling of something wriggling up and down his crack, obviously not yet certain where to enter.

His hole, just like the rest of his body, offers no resistance at all. He couldn’t tighten up even if he wanted to. It’s so laughably easy for the monster to find the entrance to his body and push inside, that he can feel tears of frustration welling in the corners of his eyes.

It’s all made that much worse when Cassidy whistles through his crooked, yellow teeth and calls up: “Well at least you’re enjoyin’ yourself, huh?”

The mortification gripping Hanzo is not enough to make his cock calm down, it seems. There for all the world – or Cassidy – to see, his cock is filling out eagerly, bouncing lewdly through the air in time with the monster’s cock awkwardly wriggling and fucking him. It feels like the worm-like cock is not quite made for a thrusting motion but the monster really wants to dick him and is not at all concerned about decorum, that much is obvious.

Hanzo can only hang in its clutches and feel how the worm-like dick is moving deeper and deeper into his intestines, writhing like it is alive all on its own. It makes his skin crawl… but by god it is not enough to make his cock go down as well. No, not at all. Just to add insult to injury, his erection is flushing more and more red, the crown wetting itself with eagerness.

All the while Cassidy watches and gives his commentary. He obviously is no longer concerned for Hanzo’s safety… the big oaf only can think of how to degrade Hanzo further as he is made the bitch of this freakish creature.

“Ya look like you’re enjoyin’ yourself a lot, actually! ‘S is kinda hot. Your tits are bouncin’ like a dame’s, ya know.”

Hanzo grits his teeth, his cheeks hot with embarrassment. He would kill this idiot once he got down from here. He would put his hands around his throat and squeeze…

Suddenly there is a sound from behind him. The creature that had been pretty much silent up until that point is making a noise almost like a purr right into Hanzo’s ear. It occurs to him only after a few long, desperate seconds that the monster is cooing at him like a pigeon would. It’s almost impossible to really pay attention to it when he’s also getting his shoulder kissed.

“Awww he likes you!”

Hanzo is going to kill him. At least his anger helps him to push through the lethargy somewhat. He is regaining autonomy of his limbs little by little… yet all he can do right now is curl his arms up and around the monster’s neck to hold on for dear life while his intestines are filled and rearranged by the beast’s cock.

“Lookit you… givin’ back the love, are ya? Cute couple…”

Hanzo hates, hates, hates him in that moment, but he can’t deny that he’s just holding on for the ride right now; half out of fear he might be dropped unceremoniously, half because he fears the monster might be done with him before he is done. His cock is a swollen wound between his thighs and he doesn’t have enough strength to tend to it.

He can’t take himself in hand and desperately rub one out as he is getting raped by a folktale beast… and even if he had been able to, he couldn’t do so while Cassidy stood on the ground, gloating and having the time of his life watching Hanzo getting destroyed on an overgrown bird’s dick.

The monster is still cooing at him. he doesn’t know what has endeared him so much to this creature, but it keeps tickling him with the feathery beard it is growing while kissing his shoulders and neck.

Every now and then he feels the odd lick of what he assumes is a tongue but just doesn’t quite match with what he is envisioning one to be like. There are… tendrils or hooks of some kind on the surface that tug at his skin just gentle enough to not be painful.

He doesn’t think birds lick the flesh off the bones of their prey like cats do, but this monster isn’t just bird, is it? Whatever it is, it is horny and it shows that spectacularly to Hanzo. When he starts to regain feeling in his legs and unwittingly closes them, the beast grabs his ankles with its own clawed chicken feet and pulls him apart again; opening him up even more than he had been previously, his insides shifting somewhat to make the feeling of the wriggling cock inside him even more intense.

Hanzo groans throatily, a spurt of pre-cum shooting from his brick red, desperate cock. He wouldn’t have been able to keep from doing so even if he had known it would happen.

In fact, he feels just so full, he is starting to fear he might start… urinating if the beast kept so insistently fucking him on its strange cock. With every wriggling motion it felt like it was pushing harder against his bladder while trying to move his intestines just the way it wanted it to lay them.

Hanzo is going cross eyed. He grabs a fist full of feathers. The creature lets out one sharp bird screech that rings in his ears and has his bones vibrating. Since it isn’t forcing him to let go, it might not be painful to it at least.

He wafts in and out of consciousness. His brain doesn’t want to stop rattling around his skull after the sharp screech.

He knows Cassidy keeps drawling filth from below but he feels much more distant than before. Hanzo comes at one point… but so does the beast, he reckons. It’s all very… muddled and dream like.

He only has the confirmation for the monster’s enjoyment a few weeks after when his stomach starts to swell and his need to get fucked skyrockets immensely.

Even Cassidy’s idiotic gloating hasn’t been as deeply humiliating as having Miss Ziegler make an ultrasound and the both of them staring open-mouthed at the eggs growing inside his bowels.

Hanzo has no memory of being filled like common breeding stock… only of the wriggling cock inside his body that had freaked him out – and spoiled him for any other dick to come.

Addicted to the monstrous bird cock of a harpy… forced to carry its eggs with no way to hide his hugely distended belly from the intrusive looks of the others – or the fact that he is sporting a constant erection beneath it.

Hanzo can’t sink any deeper.


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