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Previously: Hanzo follows along with Roadhog's game and in doing so finds out about the connection he shares with his father.

Warnings/content: Just Hanzo getting a grip of himself and his priorities :)


I heard about that dude! He’s got this weird nickname I think? Roadhog? He’s supposed to be super tough. How’s that treating you?

Hanzo stares at Lúcio’s message. He doesn’t know how to tell him about the last three days he’s had or the fact that he is lying on his belly because his hole exudes this deep ache whenever the slightest bit of pressure is applied.

It is going well. I learn a lot.

About how to spread his legs. Hanzo feels like his mind is slowly but surely broken down in the best way possible. He keeps staring at Roadhog’s huge belly and is getting turned on beyond belief, imagining how it feels pressing down on the small of his back while he rearranges his insides with that beer can cock.

In front of the old people, no less. Their weak little voices cooing the sweetest filth at him as he gets railed over funny smelling furniture, his body on fire and his hole long since given up the fight to the massive cock reaming it.

It has been a struggle yesterday to fit that monster. Today has been much less so. Hanzo puts the phone aside, face pressing into the bedding as he thinks about it; him in this ludicrous maid outfit getting fucked by this behemoth of a man. Roadhog’s low, disinterested grunts in his ears while Hanzo feels like he has to claw his way out of his skin…

He flexes his hips, pushing his slowly fattening cock into the bedding when the hum of another text reaching him has him lift his head.

Glad to hear. I’ll be in the city for a few more days, I think. I found a spot where trainers gather and… train lol it’s pretty effective I think! Can’t wait to have another match when we meet again

Hanzo stares at it, then at his Pokéballs. He’s been so goddamn tired the last couple days that he hasn’t let any of them out for more than their meals, really. While Rockruff and Magikarp do not seem to overly mind, he can tell from the glow of Ponyta’s ball and the distinct round burn pattern it is leaving in the bedside table that… well… it is not too jazzed about it.

Honestly, he is too tired today as well… this might not be training but it is just as exhausting to-

He has only half written a reply for Lúcio when movement outside the window catches his attention. He frowns and sits up, watching as Roadhog’s distinct figure lumbers toward the entrance of Lavaridge Town. Where the Hell is he going?

Hanzo is no delinquent. Not like Genji. He prides himself on that. And he is impossibly exhausted. But…

He gets up and grabs his Pokéballs, hissing when Ponyta’s touches his skin, though it cools quickly when its occupant realizes that it’s ‘go time’.

Hanzo’s blood pumps faster. He has no idea what he’s doing or what he will find… but he has to push through the lethargy fucked into his bones and see what Rutledge is up to in the middle of the night and without dragging Hanzo along.

Was he… was he meeting with father?

The thought has Hanzo’s insides do a very weird thing. He doesn’t bother with a jacket; the air in Lavaridge is unnaturally warm from the hot springs and the well… volcano that the town is ducking against.

Hanzo follows.


He watches from a distance as Roadhog makes his way steadily through the sparse forest. He isn’t running but he is also not particularly slow, just putting one foot in front of the other as he makes his way to an unknown destination.

To be honest, it is… weirdly eerie. Hanzo finds himself reaching down to his Pokéballs again and again, just touching them and feeling their warmth and the intermittent vibrations when their occupants feel how tense he is.

He’d love to let Ponyta out just to have some company, but the flamboyance of the Pokémon would not keep him hidden for long.

They make their way along a hidden path that Hanzo honestly would never have found on his own. The light from the moon shines brightly, illuminating their steps thankfully. The ground becomes more muddy as they advance. Soon enough little puddles of water appear on either side though something just seems… off about them.

He takes care not to touch them as he follows Rutledge. They must have walked a good thirty minutes before two things happen near simultaneously: The sparse foliage opens to a small clearing in the moonlight, and Hanzo becomes aware of the scent in the air that has been creeping up on him so steadily that he hadn’t noticed until now. It smells… acrid. Chemical.

Hanzo moves closer so he can see better while Rutledge comes to a stop in the middle of the small clearing. Large puddles are surrounding him. Are they hot springs? It is so humid and sweltering here… Hanzo has to become comfortable with being sweaty here in Lavaridge.

It takes his eyes a moment longer to adjust to the eerie glow of the moon to see the oily purple sheen that is covering them, shining in all kinds of colors. The hair on his body stands on edge. He glances toward the smaller puddles left and right of the path. He tries to shuffle even further away from them. What is up with the water? The area suddenly seems more like the sight of some catastrophe. A chemical spill of some kind.

What are they doing here? Rutledge is just standing there, doing… nothing at all.

There must have been some kind of secret signal. He moves suddenly and grabs something off his belt. A kind of gas mask that he puts on in one fluid motion just as the poison covered puddles around him start to bubble and boil.

It only becomes clear just how deep these pools are when creatures start to slide out of them. Hanzo’s skin is crawling. He takes an instinctive step back as his eyes try to make out any cohesive shape out of the mass that is advancing on Roadhog. His hand clenches around Ponyta’s Pokéball. He should help him… right? Though the way it looks, Roadhog does not look particularly bothered by what is happening.

Only then does Hanzo finally start to see a few more distinct shapes in the black mass; there are legs and arms and silver glowing sickle moon eyes. Pokémon. It’s a whole lot of Pokémon that have come crawling out of their poison swamps to greet Lavaridge’s gym trainer.

The largest pool has begun to bubble as well, and out of it slithers the last creature; decidedly bigger than the rest. It’s the first one he can identify at least, though he had only ever seen it in books: a Salazzle.

That would make the roiling mass on the ground a hoard of Salandits that have moved in a tight circle around Rutledge’s heavy boots.

Hanzo watches from a safe distance as huge hands cup Salazzle’s face, holding it like something precious before he lets go and grabs a bag that had been hung on his belt during the trek, throwing out fistfuls of food that the Salandits go to eat greedily. The Salazzle he feeds by hand; she does not look like she would stoop so low as to gobble up Pokébars from the ground.

Hanzo, head full of thoughts and questions, turns around to leave.


Roadhog doesn’t say a word about his nightly excursion or whether he had been aware of Hanzo tagging along… but Hanzo still has the nagging feeling that he has been found out as he is being put through the wringer the next day.

There are roof tiles that need replacing and chimneys that need cleaning. He needs to cook for one old lady that keeps smiling at him sweetly while pinching his nipples and cooing about how soft and pudgy they are until their powder pink color has gone a dark flushed red and he feels every little brush of fabric against them.

In between, Roadhog makes use of him. In one house he is fingered open on the fat digits until his legs start going numb all the while the rest of his body is hyper aware and primed to go off at any moment.

In the next house, he is fucked on a toy, spread even wider than before and shown off like a horse at a show.

In yet the next house, he is finally fucked, insides lava hot from being worked over again and again until he can’t help the drawn out, trembling whines forced out of his throat.

God, how is it possible to have such a big cock?!

The thought doesn’t leave his mind even when he all but limps up to his room after dinner. Roadhog watches him with a heavy gaze that has Hanzo slow down, skin pebbling into goosebumps, waiting to be called back to take care of the giant’s cock yet one more time…

But Roadhog doesn’t call him back. He doesn’t say a word, just watches him with those beady little eyes. Does he simply enjoy the sight of Hanzo sore from his massive cock? Is he disappointed about the work he put in today? It’s impossible to tell, which unnerves him even more, but… he has a mission to do.

Three precious days have gone by without him having done any work with his Pokémon. Seeing Rutledge with the hoard of Salandits has shaken him out of a stupor he’s fallen into without him even noticing.

The Pokéballs vibrate in his palm as he tucks them to his belt after changing into more dignified clothes.

When he comes back down to the livingroom, Rutledge is no longer there. It feels weirdly like sneaking out when Hanzo leaves the gym leader’s lodgings. He has to shake it off. He is not doing anything wrong, after all.


There is a small pond a good ten minutes by foot. The water is warm, though not near as hot as the hot springs. Still, he makes sure that it is not tainted by the poisonous sheen like the other small ponds… only then does he let Magikarp out, followed by Rockruff and Ponyta.

Ponyta immediately starts bouncing and kicking its legs in the air. Is it just Hanzo’s imagination or has the baby Pokémon already grown? When he had first let it out of the custom-made ball, it’s back had barely reached his elbow...

“I have to apologize,” he says after a moment of quietly watching Ponyta buck over and over again to get its energy out while Maddox is snuffling at the ground, looking like it is searching for food. Ponyta stops bucking and huffs long and drawn out, its large dark eyes fixing Hanzo with a glare that he takes in stride. “I have not paid you nearly enough attention than you – any of you – deserve. I feel like I had lost my way after separating from Lúcio at Mt Moon… but…” he pauses, searching for words. He feels a little silly talking to his Pokémon, all of whom have stopped moving about and are just watching him quietly. Or maybe it is just his father’s voice whispering at the back of his head that he should not apologize but rather steel his spine and be dominant.

“I will make it up to you. I have seen what kind of Pokémon Rutledge works with, and I think I have come up with a strategy.”

After another pause, he turns toward Magikarp swimming close to the surface and staring at him with one big dumb eye, its mouth constantly moving as if continuously surprised. It truly does not look like a bright Pokémon… but he has the feeling that this one is quite deceptively strong.

“You will be the key to my success. I am sure we can win.”

He feels idiotic and desperate, putting his faith in a Magikarp… but he supposes that is one of the experiences he will just have to go through as a trainer. Trusting in his Pokémon’s strength.

What will happen if he loses yet another battle? The way Rutledge had talked, he did not seem keen on the prospect of offering… alternative methods for him the way Baptiste had.

He will not need it. He will do it under his own steam and show the guy that he does not need to sleep his way through the league in order to gain his batches.

Hanzo nods to himself, rolling his shoulders and rubbing his neck to try and relax some of the tense muscles there.

Ponyta and Maddox have come closer, watching him attentively. Has he grown as a trainer? Can they sense it? It feels as if they have a little bit more respect of him.

Strengthened by the thought, he nods to himself and starts to roll up his sleeves to begin the training with his Pokémon.

Especially Magikarp.

God help him.

Next time: A battle with fire! Has Hanzo’s training been fruitful? Can Magikarp truly get him the badge he wants to badly? There is no other way around Roadhog… is there? Next time: A battle and a gift!


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