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Link Solo – As Link is pulled into the Twilight Realm and transforms for the first time, things go a bit... differently than in the game. There's a little bit of corruption in this one as well.


Link had never before seen such an ominous darkness that had looked as if it were cutting the land straight in half. Something… something had shot out of it and… grabbed him…?

He’s no longer in Ordon Village. The light is all… wrong here. All sinister. Black particles are popping out of the ground every now and then as if some large ulcer under the crust is slowly eating Hyrule from the inside out.

He twists around, staring at the wall of ominous blackness now behind him. The details of his abduction are already getting weirdly cloudy in his head. How had he come here…?

Wait… why is there a black wall? He’ll have to go back to Ordon and let the villagers know that they need to…

What villagers, though? He can’t remember a single face.

Link lets his head drop. He is panting heavily. Had he been running? Had he been fleeing from something? He doesn’t… think so?

Pain shoots through his body, making him tense up and dig his fingers into the ground. It dulls into an ache that keeps moving like a wave of water; getting bigger to the point of barely tolerable and then pulling back once more, though never vanishing completely.

Saliva has flooded his mouth and is slowly dripping out to the ground. Another wave of pain washes through him. Link groans, eyes closing, rocking his body on all fours to try and weather the sensation. It seems… natural that his nails are getting longer and thicker now. That his limbs crack as they begin to change.

Link struggles to worm his way out of his clothes. The pain moving through him keeps him paralyzed mid-movement, just panting and drooling into the dirt while his body keeps changing slowly.

By the time he finally managed to push his way out of his clothes, the sensation of pain has morphed into something deeper. Almost… crippling. His cock is hard, the tip dripping as Link crawls his way toward a large tree he can see, the thick roots reaching out of the ground looking perfectly to nestle between while his body does whatever it is attempting to do.

It doesn’t occur to him to be worried. All of this just seems so… natural. So good and right. He’s forgotten all about the pain that had begun the process in the first place. It’s difficult to remember anything at all. He’s living in the moment, watching his limbs change and get longer; especially his legs looking rather grotesque as the joints keep awkwardly moving to different spots and align themselves all wrong… or right?

Link’s ears keep twitching. There are no birds to be heard anywhere; instead there is just a crackling white noise that slides under his skin and makes him feel fuzzy and so very excited…

His hips jerk into the air, fucking nothing at all while he watches even his cock changing appearance. It’s getting longer, slimmer… It becomes near raw looking as the skin is all but translucent and shows the many blood vessels underneath, making it look blood red.

It is hot to the touch too… He reaches out with a hand that is… honestly more like a paw now… there is fur growing on the back of it, paw pads appearing and feeling so wild as he curls it around his erection. There’s a sheathe now… one he can carefully push his new clawed finger into and test out just how nice and loose it is. How warm inside, keeping the base of his cock snug…

Link’s tongue keeps lolling out, though now it is hanging out the side of his long muzzle. Drool is dripping from the tip, his insides hot and needy for something to fuck into. But there is just… nothing around. No living thing that he could dick into the ground and pound out the energy he finds himself flooded with.

He must have become some… type of wolf? Though he has never before seen one with such long limbs and paws that can still somewhat function as hands. It’s maybe his luck for once. After having been such a good boy all of his life; doing all the dirty work that the Mayor and Rusl demanded of him…

It’s just good and right that he would now get a present in the form of being able to jerk off in this new exciting body, right? He can just… god… his fur feels so good-

Whenever he opens his eyes, there are dark, ominous creatures appearing on the clearing, more and more of them just there every time he blinks. They watch from a distance, large masks shielding their faces, heads twisting from one side to the other as they watch. Are they trying to understand what he is doing? Are they wondering what kind of creature he is?

Link lifts his chops in a weak growl that is not needed in the least. They don’t look like they intend to come any closer than they are; they are just watching as he curls his new paw around his red hot cock and jerks off.

The first generous spurt of pre-cum startles him more than the appearance of his silent, wriggling audience.

It drips over his fist and soaks into the fur on the back of it, sticky and salty smelling. God, the smells that are exploding all around him…

His cock keeps dribbling, spewing out pre-cum and getting everything glistening wet.

His spine feels a lot more… flexible than it previously had. It seems natural to just… curl himself forward and snake out his long tongue, dragging it over the tip of his new cock peeking out just at the top of his fist.

The sensation runs down his spine like warm water. His tail wags. He has a tail now. That’s okay… that’s good.

It’s better than the times he used a warm wash cloth to ofuck into. It’s better than anything he’s ever done because Ilia isn’t putting out and he doesn’t really have any other way to get his dick wet…

Link laps greedily at his own cock. The monsters are still at bay, though they now make hushed little sounds. Are they talking amongst each other? Are they disgusting how depraved he is, all but sucking himself off now that he has the chance to do so?

He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anything anymore. Not Ordon Village, not Ilia, not the Princess that he was supposed to bring a present to. He deserves this. He deserves being able to lap up his own pre-cum, slurping it like some kind of salty broth, his cock pulsing from tip to the very base still hidden in his new sheath.

God, the base… the base feels so swollen, the elastic skin of his sheath wrapped around it tightly. He carefully pushes it back with a few of his claws, large yellow eyes eying the swell that he unearths.

He knows what this is. He’s watched his fair share of wild and domesticated dogs fuck. It just had slipped his mind until now that it exists – a knot.

He curls his free paw around it, wondering how he could have gotten lucky enough to be this dexterous with them. They are just careful enough that he can jerk himself off like this, his juices soaking the fur of his lower belly and all around his muzzle because he can’t stop licking himself.

If he just shimmied around enough, he’s sure he could reach his balls and bathe them in warm saliva as he jerked himself off…

Link is in heaven. It doesn’t look the way he thought it would, but this must be it. He’s feeling nice and warm and fuzzy, the pleasure growing warm in his guts and making him feel like he could float just from feeling his own silky tongue wrapping like a cushion around his own cock, his maw opened just enough to let himself squirt watery pre right down his maw…

His belly fells full and sloshing with it. He has drank so much of his own juices… His paw curls tighter around the base, clutching hard on pure instinct as his furry balls pull up and an orgasm rolls over him.

All Link can do is open his maw wide and accept his own gift; thick strands of cum shoot out of his brick red cock to stripe his tongue with salty goodness. He can’t help it as he immediately starts gulping it down, his muzzle and nose getting hit with more streaks of cum that he has to try and lick off while he keeps coming and coming and coming…

He’s never come so hard in his life. He thinks. It is difficult to remember things. His previous life feels so far away… how long has he been in this realm? Months? Years? God, he is still coming, his cock feels so good bathed in his warm saliva…

His belly is full to bursting with cum. He just knows it will be bulging outward when he stands up, sloshing around with the liquid he’s gulped down.

It’s all good though. He can’t wait to do it again.


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