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Previously: Farmer arrived on his new property, having begun a life in Pelican Town. He immediately got... welcomed... by Mayor Lewis.

Content in this chapter: Farmer gets fitted with a pussy by Rasmodius who uses it to seal a dubious pact!


The Community Center has some form of… pull on Farmer that he can’t quite put into words. He finds himself climbing up the few steps leading up to it on days that he has to be in town anyway, and just quietly staring at the structure.

The sight of it has a vague… sadness and ache coming up in his chest. Like it simply isn’t right that the building should be like this in a place as friendly as Pelican Town. Where the folks have been rather standoffish at first, most of them have come around pretty quickly.

He feels good here in his new place. The beginning had been odd, but hey – he’d never say no to the opportunity to get his rocks off, and he likes the sizzle of lust that races down his spine whenever he sees Mayor Lewis out and about and greets him like the old fart didn’t finger fuck him to orgasm in his dusty, old shed.

Farmer would be wondering which of the youths had been the ones to find out his porn sites for Lewis, if Sebastian and Sam weren’t so goddamn obvious about it, tripping over their own feet while staring at him whenever their paths crossed.

Farmer liked that. He could just let that simmer. See where it took him. He wasn’t opposed to being a hot silver fox or whatever they saw him as.

Things could only get more interesting from here.

Especially during one dreary afternoon that he finds himself in front of the old Community Center yet again – and notices something rather… odd about it. The large front doors. They were open. Just a crack; just so little that nobody who wasn’t directly looking would actually see it; but Farmer did. And he knew for a fact that it hadn’t been that way just the other day when he had a look.

Had someone gone in there? Maybe his interest in the building had somehow rekindled some forgotten passion in the others? Or had the little kids snuck in? He frowns at the thought. The way the building looks from the outside, he can only surmise that the inside would be pretty dangerous.

Farmer pushes the door open wider and takes a few steps into the Community Center proper.

“...Vincent? Jas? Are you in here?” he calls out. There is complete silence answering him for a moment and then… the sound of something moving. Like a chair being dragged a couple inches over the ground. He sighs and comes further in. “I know this is fun, but I’m sure there’s some rusty nails sticking out and holes in the floorboards. Come on – this isn’t a safe… place… to…”

He never finishes the sentence. As Farmer has carefully made his way further into the large front room of the building – leaving only his own footsteps in the dust – he sees a little… something hiding behind an odd looking structure in the corner. A little hut made from stones and leaves.

The creature is gone as fast as he’s seen it, making him wonder if he’s even seen it in the first place or if his own shadow cast into the building from the open door behind is playing tricks on him.

“Vincent? Jas?” he calls again, feeling his pulse at the base of his throat. It feels idiotic that he should have such a burst of adrenaline but here he is, starting to sweat and hyper aware of the odd sounds all around him as he tries to figure out whether the kids really are in here or not.

Maybe there’s just been a stray gust of wind that had pushed the door open? A strong… stray gust of wind that could do what he with both hands and putting his whole weight behind it couldn’t do…

Farmer slowly moves from room to room. He is fairly certain that the kids are not here but now his interest is piqued and he uses the opportunity to look through the old building after a good two weeks of just staring at it from outside.

He can see the fondness with which the rooms have been decorated once upon a time. In the large group kitchen are even still plates and pots to be seen and beneath the layer of dust it becomes obvious they are perfectly fine. Why would a whole community just… abandon such a place? It felt more and more strange.

On the ground in one of the rooms is a form of… plaque that looks surprisingly new. Like it had just been installed there. He slowly squats down, a frown on his face. He tries to pick it up but it is screwed tightly to the floor. Is it some kind of commemorative piece?

He tries to read the inscription but… it’s just odd symbols and nothing more. Complete nonsense.

Farmer slowly stands up again, scratching the back of his head. A soft squeaking sound behind him has him whirl around. For a split second there’s another of those bouncing little things in the doorframe but it slips out of sight in an instant.

Freaked out, Farmer decides to… not flee, per se, but retreat at a clipped pace. He can’t say that he feels malicious energy around him, but there definitely is something up with that old Community Center.


Farmer has a little routine going these days. He gets out of bed at the crack of dawn and makes himself a cup of coffee. While sipping it, he will wander out onto the broken patio of his little farm house (he will have to talk to Robin once he really got his bearings and has started making some money and materials) and peer over the side to see whether or not he has mail.

He’s gotten quite a bit of it in those two weeks he’s been living here. Probably more than during his whole life – well things that aren’t ads and bills. Seeing that once again there is something inside, he makes his way over.

The letter waiting for him is… odd. The paper is a dark blue color and feels oddly smooth between his fingers. The smell wafting off of it is… Mh. Farmer can’t decide whether it is sulfuric or rather smells of the forest. The scents have nothing to do with each other in his mind so it gives him a bit of vertigo.

Stop sniffing it like a creep and just read it.

My sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old community center.

Why don’t you pay me a visit?

My chambers are west of the forest lake, in the stone tower. I may have information concerning your… ‘rat problem’.

-M. Rasmodius, Wizard’

Farmer barks out a laugh after reading the letter, his eyebrows having shot up toward his hairline. He reads it again and again but it sounds just as insane after the fifth time as it did that first time.

A… Wizard? Really? Really.

Slowly, Farmer closes his mail box and stuffs the letter into his pocket. He feels a little off kilter as he continues with his usual routine, namely getting his tools to tend to the crops he’s growing – but that letter keeps bugging him quite a bit.

He has to admit that it is a wildly fascinating letter. He has thought he’s met all the town residents by now, but apparently… not? Who were those ‘sources’? Was he being… watched?

It feels frankly insane. Like some kind of action movie plot was unfolding in Pelican Town without him even aware of it.

By around noon he is done with his chores and his feet start taking him in the direction of his farm’s south entrance before he can really think about it. It’s a frankly awful trek as he has not gotten far enough with trimming down the excess wilderness on his plot, but where there’s a will… and all of that.

A month ago he’s been a dissatisfied city boy trying to find some fun in life by fucking himself on camera by night and getting his soul sucked out by work during the day.

And now he is crawling through the underbrush of his own farm, getting dusty and scratched by various thorny little branches, eager to find… a Wizard of all people and hear what more crazy fucking things he had to say.

Farmer finds himself laughing again, his chest feeling free of the ball of anxiety that had been a perpetual weight back in the city.

Yeah… fuck, yeah he’s doing the right thing here.


The Wizard’s tower is looking quite… impressive. Farmer is shielding his eyes from the sun as he glances up at the wild, crooked structure. It’s actually a marvel that the thing is standing as is.

That’s probably because of his Wizard powers, he finds himself thinking whimsically, a lopsided grin on his face. Is he maybe going insane or something? That would be a little early in the game, though. Who knows. He’s having a blast with it at least.

Farmer raps his knuckles against the door, and when no reply comes forward, tries to push it open. It yields to him without fuss, letting him step into a surprisingly bright room. There are only a couple small windows on each side as far as he can see, but the sun is flooding through them and illuminating everything rather pleasantly.

It’s quiet, too, except for the thick… bubbling sound of liquid to his left. Looking over, Farmer’s crooked grin starts to stretch in amused disbelief as he sees a comically huge cauldron standing there. Of all things.

“Holy shit,” he whispers, slowly stuffing his hands into the pockets of his dirty overalls and letting his gaze move around the space some more. Everything looks absolutely fascinating and very on brand with this… Wizard… persona.

“Helloooo?” he calls out. “Mister Rasmodius? I… received a letter?”

His amusement seizes when his eyes suddenly spy a figure in the shadows of a corner. His heart jerks painfully in his chest and he physically recoils in shock. He hates these types of jumpscares and the person that now peels themselves out of the darkness really does look… well. Scary.

And like a goddamn Wizard.

“You have arrived. Very good. Come here; let me see you properly.”

Farmer frowns, one hand absent mindedly rubbing his chest which faintly aches after the shock that just went through his system. Honestly, he’s kind of pissed right now – especially since it was Rasmodius who had been hiding, but he does take a few steps closer.

“What is this about? Are you… spying on me or something? The letter said-”

“I know what the letter said. I wrote it,” the Wizard answers plainly, though he is not giving a proper answer, which Farmer certainly notes. The other is coming even closer. It is impossible to say what age he is; the long beard obscures much of his face and what Farmer can see of his eyes and his skin it’s… well, just a guessing game. He could be thirty, seventy, three hundred for all he knew.

“Ah yes… yes… mmmhhh. I can already see that they left an imprint on you. Fascinating. What have they seen in one of your ilk, I wonder…”

Rasmodius is walking around Farmer as he speaks, peering at him with such intensity that Farmer can feel the small hairs on his body stand on edge.

“‘One of my ilk’?” he repeats, lightly rubbing his fingertips against the coarse material of his overalls. “Excuse me, but I don’t even know you.”

The Wizard waves his hand in front of his face like he’s trying to swat away an annoying insect. “Oh poppycock! I simply meant a city person like yourself. I did not think your stay in the Valley has been long or significant enough yet, but the Junimos seem to think differently. Very interesting. Very exciting.”

The Wizard turns away from him, busily walking toward his cauldron and stirring the thick liquid inside with a huge ladle and apparently a lot of struggle.

Farmer watches it with a frown. “So… about that letter…”

“Yes, I am coming to it! Patience! Patience.”

Rasmodius leans over the bubbling liquid and stares inside with a critical expression before he suddenly loses all interest and turns around.

“I have noticed their agitation the past few days. They must have gotten interested in you after your clandestine activities in the tool shed.”

Farmer opens his mouth, then closes it again, slowly blinking. When the Wizard does nothing but stand there and look back at him, he realizes that he must be waiting for some… input or some such from him.

“I don’t understand a single word. Could you… rewind please and take it from the top?” he finally says, his voice that of polite interest as he feels himself slipping back into a salesperson persona that he’s thought he had ditched for good back in the city.

Rasmodius throws his arms up in the air.

“The Junimo! I am talking about the Junimo! Oh may the elements grant me strength – this ignorance will be my death one day. Come. Come! I will attempt to explain it in a way that even you will understand.”

The Farmer’s bland smile stiffens, eyes narrowing but when the odd – and frankly insane – man walks past him to lead him into a back room, he shrugs and follows behind. He’s just curious, okay?


Rasmodius has Farmer sit down at a squat, sturdy looking round table strewn with old plates and cutlery and the odd ends and bobs. He swipes a lot of it aside, pushing some of it with loud clattering onto the floor and not caring for it one bit as he puts a large tome in front of Farmer.

He is standing close enough that the dark robes he is wearing are draping themselves over Farmer’s shoulder as he starts to leaf through the book. The scent emanating from the man is… not unpleasant. It’s spicy like herbs and somewhat… earthy, too. It overall reminds Farmer of the forest which is not bad.

“Here. These are the Junimo.”

Farmer’s attention swerves back to the book, staring at a drawing that the Wizard is vigorously jabbing his finger at. As he stares at the round creature depicted, his stomach starts to ball up in something akin to anxiety as he realizes that… yes. Yes, that is the creature he has seen in the old Community Center.

There’s a feeling of vertigo making him jerkily grab at the edge of the table and holding on until his knuckles turn white.

Rasmodius, either not noticing how Farmer’s world has been upended in one fell swoop – or simply ignoring it – starts to talk: “The Junimo are forest spirits that originally hail from another world. Close to ours but not ours, you understand?”


“I do not know how they came to be here, nor do I think they understand it much themselves, but they are very friendly. Very helpful. And seeing them interested in you made me wonder…”

His finger keeps idly tapping at the picture that Farmer is staring at before suddenly grabbing him by the shoulder. “Have you seen anything? When you went in there? Anything of note?”

“Well other than some type of… fairy tale creatures bouncing around?” Farmer answers with a weak voice. Thinking back, there was something odd, though… “There was a plaque on the ground in one of the rooms. Golden… with odd inscriptions.”

“...oh? Let me see. I will be back in but a moment.”


There’s a… hiss? Or a pop? Something that has Farmer whirling around to see that the Wizard has vanished in thin air. He jerks upright, the chair clattering to the floor behind him as his heart gallops in his chest.

While Farmer’s mind still grapples with what he has just witnessed, he hears the front door opening and Rasmodius’ excited voice call out: “I have seen it! And I have been able to translate their words! Wonderful. Come here, boy- We have much to do!”

Farmer staggers out into the main room on wobbly legs, holding himself upright in the doorframe as he stares at the Wizard busily walking around and gathering things as if nothing had just happened.

After a moment or two he seems to remember Farmer, as he stops and looks around, finally seeing him standing sagged at the doorway to his bedchambers. His bushy brows pull together. “What are you doing over there? Come here! You are vital to their request.”

Farmer exhales on a soft wheezing sound and pushes off. He pinches himself in the thigh as he haltingly walks over into the middle of the room – until he notes that he is about to step into some type of… pentagram, at which point he stops short and just obediently watches Rasmodius puttering around.

“... I am vital? Me?”

“Yes, indeed. Their message was clear: ‘We, the Junimo, are happy to aid you. In return we ask for the Valley to be hale and fertile. If you are one with the residents, we will see to it that their minds will get changed.’”

Farmer blinks slowly. The room has started to grow a comfortable orange hue as the sun outside begins to set. The back of his neck is prickling all too distractingly as he tries to wrap his head around that.

Rasmodius seems to take his quiet as him not understanding, so he stops in his tracks, looking rather put out once more. Like he can’t fathom how uneducated a person can be.

“You wish for the community of our little town to come back together, do you not?”

“I… do. Yeah.”

“And the Junimo wish to return to their own world. They offer you a deal. They help you and you help them.”

“What are they… going to do? What am I going to do?” Farmer honestly can’t believe himself for actually indulging any of these crazy thoughts, but looking at Rasmodius standing there in his… his coat and with his beard and his silly hat- and having witnessed him vanishing in thin air-

Yeah. Yeah, fuck, he believes. He believes.

Rasmodius, as if sensing Farmer coming around to the whole idea, looks rather pleased. He waves him closer with an impatient gesture.

“I can not know for certain, of course, but given their wording I am positive that they will attempt to be of some… influence on the townspeople’s minds. They will make them more susceptible both to the thought of revitalizing the Community Center as well as your advances. I would think, at least.”

“My… advances?”

“Yes, yes. It will all reveal itself before us within the next few days. Now come, the pact has to be sealed while my concoction is still bubbling!”

Farmer feels an incredulous smile starting to tug at the corner of his mouth. He must look a little bewildered and deranged as he finally trots across that pentagram-esque drawing on the ground and toward the wizard.

He has no goddamn clue what is going to happen but damn, he is eager to find out. He did swear to himself upon moving to the farm that he would just live his life to the fullest from now on and stop worrying so much.

This? This is a perfect opportunity to put his money where his mouth is.

Real life magic.



“Drink this.”

Farmer slowly takes a thick rimmed mug that is being thrust at him. He’s seen Rasmodius ladle a generous amount of the goopy liquid from the cauldron into the mug but he still can’t help but ask: “What is it?”

“It is the essence of the forest. Essentially. I have mixed a few more ingredients in; my seed, among many of them.”

“Your… your seed.”

“Yes. It was necessary in order to temper the liquid to what we need it to perform.”

“And what might that be?” Farmer asks, staring at the liquid in the mug. Even inside there it is still bubbling lazily. It does not feel overly hot in his palms, though.

Rasmodius, surprisingly enough, is rather patient and forthcoming as he stands there with his hands folded in front of his belly, staring at Farmer.

“It will temporarily change your body to receive my seed.”

“Ah,” Farmer says, like he understands everything, even though he does understand, in fact, very little. Rasmodius appears pleased by his reaction, though, and he does want to see where all of this is going, so… he shrugs and downs the liquid.

It does not taste as foul as it should probably have. In fact, it tastes like simple grass as it smoothly slides over his tongue and down his throat.

He gives the mug back to the wizard and is kind of disappointed when at first nothing happens. He just stands there, watching Rasmodius move away to put the mug down; and just when the other turns around and starts to slip off his dark robe, does Farmer feel it.

There’s an odd tingling sensation crawling through his body and centering low in his abdomen until he doubles over, hands pressing against his crotch. It is not painful, not in the least, but the sensation is so odd and alien that for a second his body responds by making him gag. Nothing other than saliva starts to drip from his lips and onto the ground.

“Ah yes,” he hears Rasmodius say as Farmer slowly is brought to his knees by the feeling of his dick starting to change beneath his desperately pawing fingers. “Wonderful. We can begin with the pact immediately! The first coupling will have to be swift, but we can take our time for the subsequent ones-”

Farmer just whimpers in confused arousal.


Farmer can’t quite bring himself to close his mouth once Rasmodius helps him to peel his overalls down and he sees that beneath them and his underwear his cock is simply… gone. No trace of it left. It and his balls have seemingly vanished into thin air to be replaced by a pussy.

A real life goddamn cunt with real labia and real slick, cherry red insides that he can see and feel as he all but curls in on himself, fingers spreading his lips open to just stare at the peach he’s been outfitted with. It sits there like it’s always been a part of his body. Like he’s never been born with anything but a juicy little pussy with a black fleece of glossy black pubes warming its mound.

“Do not be alarmed,” he hears Rasmodius’ voice behind him. He feels hands on his shoulders and his back, urging him to stretch out his spine once more and get on all fours. The cobble stone beneath his hands and knees feels nice and warm and smooth. Like he couldn’t cut himself on any of its edges even if he wanted to.

“It is merely a temporary change to facilitate the strength of the pact we are about to sign. You will change back to your original body by tomorrow morning.”

“Uh…huh…” is all that Farmer can say to that. He’s still staring along his belly at the distinct lack of a cock dangling between his thighs – until he sees Rasmodius’ naked thighs appearing right behind him. The wizard has pulled his own pants down and is right behind Farmer as if he’s… as if he’s about-

“Wait… wait, wait, wait you’re not going to-”

Oh but he is. One hand is grabbing Farmer’s hip, the other is guiding a cock to be dragged through the folds of his very brand spanking new cunt, gathering what moisture there is and then simply testing how receptive his opening is to the gentle push of an impossibly fat cock head.

Farmer’s eyes nearly bug out of his head as he stares between his legs and feels the ludicrous notion of the wizard trying to put his dick into a hole that is clearly and obviously far too small to ever be able to fit a goddamn monster cock like-

oh. Oh but he is fitting it inside.

A whistling sound not unlike that of a hot tea kettle is filling Farmer’s ears as he feels his virginal pussy getting spread open by the blunt tip of the wizard’s cock. It takes him a good long while to realize that he is the one making that sound and that Rasmodius can hear it as well for he awkwardly pets Farmer’s hip and says: “You are doing… uh… well. Yes. Simply… calm yourself.”

He sounds like he is confused; like he can’t fathom why ever Farmer would be alarmed by getting his sudden new peach speared open wide by the cock of a stranger.

He’s nice about it at least. As nice as Farmer would have suspected him to be. He doesn’t ram it in to the very root on one rough thrust but slowly shimmies his way deeper and deeper in little rocking thrusts that have stars exploding in front of Farmer’s eyes.

His insides are liquid hot. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt such a sensation. Such a molten magma heat filling him up. One time a guy pissed into his ass, but that doesn’t quite match the feeling of getting his pussy filled with cock and realizing that it is, in fact, made for just such an occasion.

You slut, he thinks of his own cunt, muscles nervously clenching down on the dick filling him. He doesn’t really have any say in the matter whatsoever. It’s just happening. His body is just reacting. He’s merely a helpless, dumb man attached to a cunt at that point, feeling how everything in his abdomen pulses deliriously and makes his toes feel hot and tingly.

“Yes… extraordinary.” The wizard’s voice does not sound quite as collected now as it has moments before. There is a slight tremble to be heard and Farmer can feel his cock moving; slowly flexing inside the tight clench of his insides; pressing into walls that have not been there just five minutes before and letting his balls swing and brush against the electric knot of nerves that Farmer realizes dimly must be his new clit.

It slowly occurs to him then that in order to feel Rasmodius’ balls there, the other must have already bottomed out. How long has he worked at filling Farmer’s pussy up with dick? Or maybe Farmer has blacked out at some point? It just happened so suddenly. One moment he’s struggling with the concept of getting his peach spread on cock, the next his belly is full with it. 

He feels bloated. Swollen. Pregnant with cock, and his brain has trouble wrapping itself around the concept. This is insane. Absolute insanity. He stares at his fingers. There’s still dirt from today’s farming beneath the nails. There’s a cut on his forearm from hurting himself on a branch.

Those are still his fingers. Still his arm. It’s still his body, simply… monumentally changed to be able to get fucked by a horny wizard.

Farmer has no idea whether this truly is some part of a ritual or whether Rasmodius just really, really wanted to get his dick wet again.

Is he wearing any protection? For some reason that thought suddenly pops into Farmer’s head and just grips him with such profound intensity that it takes his breath away for a second. To think that this horny old fucker dicking him is breeding him up just like that… Just on a whim. Giving him a pussy and maybe even a uterus or some shit and ramming his dick up his peach until he can pump his load right where it needed to go-

“W-Wait… wait-” Farmer slurs, trying to reach back but only managing to almost topple onto his own face. As he quickly rights himself again, taking cock into his new cunt like he’s never done anything else in his fucking life, a few things start happening simultaneously:

Rasmodius thrusts hard, his hips slapping against Farmer’s ass, his cock grinding so deep that there’s the frizzle of honest pain just edging in on the corners of his awareness.

He can feel the cock inside him start to flex, and then some nice wet heat starting to spread inside his tummy.

He’s coming, he thinks deliriously, staring down at the cobblestone he’s kneeling on. He’s nutting inside me right the fuck now.

And beneath him, the red paint of the odd pentagram-like drawing starts to glow. It has to be connected to the wizard’s orgasm. It has to. Farmer’s mouth drops open as he stares at it, his body reacting with the most confused orgasm he’s ever experienced; it’s soft and almost stops before it’s begun… but when he stares between his legs, he can see a glittering string of his own juices starting to drip from his clenching pussy and onto the glowing symbol beneath.

Farmer closes his eyes. It feels like something settles inside him in that moment. His heart slows down its frantic pumping and his body relaxes into the slow, easy rocking of the wizard.

He’d never have thought that the guy has any game or skill but… well he’s not even growing soft; just slowly rocking through the load he’s deposited inside Farmer’s temporary pussy, waiting for the clenching around his shaft to ebb down so he can start up another round.

“Wonderful. The pact has been sealed!”

He sounds absolutely ridiculous, but Farmer can’t start arguing with that when he’s got a cock up his cunt and is about to have a second load added to the first.

His fingers are digging against the cobble stones beneath him, his back oscillating between wanting to arch up like a damn cat’s from the feeling of a cock stuffed into his oversensitive hole, and also push his spine into a nice valley so he can angle his ass further up into the dicking.

In the end it is Rasmodius that makes that decision for him as well. One hand grabs Farmer by the hip, the other presses firm and unrelenting against his spine until it bends downward to his will.

“You are new to this,” Rasmodius comments. At least he sounds a little out of breath. “But you will have learned how to use what I have given you by the end of this.”

Farmer groans softly, his smart mouth all too sluggish all of a sudden. He wants to ask the old man just how long he anticipated to keep this going and whether he’s sure his heart will withstand it but… truth be told right now it feels like Farmer is on the verge of having a heart attack; especially when all he does is drool like an idiot; mimicking his pussy to a T.

Rasmodius starts fucking him again. This time it seems like the gloves have come off; he’s not as slow and methodical in rocking into Farmer anymore. Rather he curls his arms around his narrow hips and leans forward until his beard is blanketing Farmer’s back before he starts in on a fast, punishing humping rhythm.

When Farmer felt like the wizard had been reaching into his core before… it is nothing compared to what he is feeling now. He is drilling so deep that there are involuntary tears springing into his eyes.

“Oh f-f-fu-u-uck-” every syllable is rabbit fucked right out of him, voice stuttering through the groan as his pussy is drilled so fast that he imagines there’s some friction burn starting up. At least his insides become so hot. So very hot. Farmer is scrabbling against the ground, his nails too short to catch onto anything with any significance.

The wizard fucks him without remorse, his breath hitting the back of Farmer’s head in harsh little bursts. It takes… embarrassingly little time for another orgasm to start twisting up his insides. Harder this time. There is no way for Farmer to not notice how it is building like a wave, curling tighter and tighter and giving rise to a formless panic inside him that has him start wheezing and reaching back again, grabbing the Wizard’s pumping hips to try and slow him down.

“Wait, w-wait- s-slow down, I’m gonna… I’m g-g-gonna-” He’s going to explode. Or die. Or both? He’s going to do something for sure. But Rasmodius does not slow down. In fact it feels like he’s fucking even faster, his thrusts accentuated with the sharp slap and squelch of skin on skin and Farmer’s new pussy absolutely dripping with juices.

The wave hits and takes Farmer with it without hesitation. His muscles seize and his breath is stuck in his throat. It is so… so intense. So all consuming. He does not know whether that is a normal thing for pussies or whether it is just him still not used to having one in the first place. His head feels like it’s going to explode, his legs shaking so hard that he would have sunk to the ground if Rasmodius weren’t holding him up.

Only when he starts to calm down does he realize that he’s squirted for the kinky fuck, a puddle darkening the stone beneath him and some remnants still dripping from his overworked pussy.

“You are quite adept at this,” Rasmodius comments breathlessly. He slowly lets go of Farmer and kneels back up again. Farmer does not know whether the wizard has come during his own orgasm… but his cock is still impossibly hard inside him; a firm rod that feels like it is lodged somewhere behind his goddamn lungs.

Rasmodius gives him about… thirty seconds to recuperate before he puts a hand against the inside of his right thigh and, with an infuriatingly chipper: “Well! Let’s continue, shall we?” he pushes Farmer’s leg up to the side, putting him supremely off balance and making his erection shift inside his belly.

Farmer’s eyes widen. He tries to keep up on his arms but his muscles are like overcooked noodles after his last orgasm, and he unceremoniously sinks onto his shoulders.

“Fuck… fuck, how can you still be up?! What kind of old man are you?” Farmer whines pathetically against the cobble stone.

The wizard hums and gives him a thrust that feels like it is sliding from his tail bone right along his spine up toward the back of his neck. Farmer’s ears ring. His new pussy clenches pathetically around the fat dick lodged inside him.

“Oh, I have my means, young man. You should do well not to underestimate me.”

Farmer won’t. He certainly won’t. Never, ever, ever. He will never not be believing in magic again. He will never think that this man is insane. Well… he will, but not for any other reason than that he is getting his brain scrambled by one of the best dicks he’s ever had in his life.

Rasmodius fucks him doggedly and with an intensity that borders on humbling. The guy really is not his type but he’s got a cock that Farmer could see himself falling in love with.

His clit – at least he thinks that’s his clit that he’s feeling – feels swollen like a cock and pulsates at the apex of his desperately stretched labia.

Already he feels sore; like the rough back-and-forth is chafing his sensitive new pussy; but the way the blunt tip keeps pushing into his squishy insides is making stars explode in his vision and his tongue loll out against the odd pentagram shape painted onto the stone beneath him.

In his quickly cooking brain he thinks deliriously I’m tasting magic, but all that comes out of his throat is an undefined groan.

Behind him he can hear Rasmodius’ breath; faster and more labored now that he’s pushing Farmer through a third round of fucking. Maybe this will be it. Maybe this will be the last round with the Wizard coating his maybe-there-maybe-not womb in hot pulses of his no-doubt insanely potent cum.

Farmer never has been in a position of worrying about accidental pregnancies and he suddenly finds himself insanely hot for the whole concept.

His eyes roll up into his head as he comes on cock yet again. It feels like his brain is oozing out of his ears and all he hears is Rasmodius cackling behind him.


Farmer can see the results of the insane coupling as soon as two days later as he once again opens his mail box to pull out a few letters.

He half hopes one of them will be dark and mysterious and calling him once again to the wizard’s tower. His dick, back since last morning like nothing ever happened, grows warm and interested in an instant at the thought.

However, there is no letter from Rasmodius. Only some missives by Joja – and one rather fancy looking letter from Lewis.

Farmer hums to himself as he opens it and reads the few lines on the thick paper:

Residents of Pelican Town,

As you know I do not do these kinds of things on such short notice, but I have been quite overrun by the proposal myself.

There have been developments concerning our beautiful town’s future path and we will all have to come to a decision sooner rather than later.

Please come together in my residence tonight at 7 p.m. sharp, so I may relay further details on the matter to you.

I can’t stress the importance of the matter enough. If you hold this letter in your hands, you are required to attend the meeting as a resident of Pelican Town whose input is greatly valued.


Mayor Lewis


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