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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#32! Please enjoy this Gabriel/Lúcio!

Gabriel/Lúcio – Soldier24!Gabriel; insecure Lúcio; praise kink – There's a new recruit on base who thought he could get between Lúcio and Gabriel. Wellllll....


 Gabriel leans back, cheek braced on his fist, eyes trained on Lúcio puttering around his rooms. He is gathering a few stray clothes that Gabriel had thrown on the floor just for his sake, stuffing them into a laundry sack to later bring to the chute to be deposited.

Gabriel in and off himself is a very neat person. Before he started playing with his little toy, he would never even have considered throwing a shirt or a pair of underwear just on the ground instead of putting them in their designated spots, but… well.

Lúcio likes being his little housewife. He enjoys the task of taking care of Gabriel’s needs and making him more comfortable. At least he usually enjoys it.

Now, his handsome little face is scrunched up as he works, expression somewhat dark as he puts Gabriel’s shorts into the laundry sack without so much as a token sniff – something the little slut loves to do; stuffing his face into Gabriel’s pits or digging his nose into his underwear, inhaling the musky scent of cock.

“Baby,” Gabriel finally calls, belly twisting somewhat as he sees the way Lúcio’s shoulders draw high to his ears and he does not turn around to look at him. “What is up with you?”

Lúcio hums, timid and a bit listlessly, and Gabriel sits upright immediately, brows drawn in concern.

“Lúcio,” he says seriously, slipping out of his persona; he stops being Daddy and becomes Gabriel, and Lúcio winces even worse. “What is on your mind? Talk to me.”

“Can’t we just play?” he whines, finally glancing towards Gabriel who is shaking his head, fingers beckoning him closer. “Not like this we won’t. You look miserable. What happened?”

Lúcio looks unhappy but he does let go of the laundry sack in favor of quickly striding towards Gabriel and crawling into his lap unbidden. He curls his arms around the soldier’s broad shoulders and hides his face against his throat.

Gabriel’s frown deepens. Lúcio is affectionate, yes, but usually not to this desperate degree. He hugs him back, leaning his cheek against Lúcio’s head, and waits for a moment for the young medic to sort his thoughts.

“I… satisfy you, don’t I?” he finally just blurts out, almost startling Gabriel into a laugh. He grabs his shoulders, pushing him back and eying him incredulously.

“The fuck? Of course you are,” he says a lot more fiercely than he intended. Lúcio stares at him with his huge brown eyes, so sad and conflicted that Gabriel feels like he needs to wring the neck of whoever made him feel like he’s not enough. “Have I made you feel like that?” he asks alarmed.

Lúcio shakes his head quickly. He does not immediately answer, his eyes falling down to where he is drawing idle patterns across Gabriel’s broad chest.

“No…” he hedges, then says in an almost whisper: “That new recruit…”

Gabriel’s eyes narrow, his belly igniting with furious heat.

“What did he do?!”

“No… I mean… He didn’t do anything, I just… He likes you a lot. And he realized we are kind of together,” (Gabriel snorts at that. Kind of is a very loose term for what his baby boy and he have going on), “...and he said that I couldn’t even hope to satisfy a man like you, that…”

He falls silent again. Gabriel waits, quietly watching, slowly slipping back into being daddy as Lúcio keeps up being his baby boy; obviously wanting reassurance.

He knows it’s sometimes hard on the young man; his insecurities flaring up every now and again when he thinks about just how much younger than Gabriel he is; when he sees the odd recruit trying to flirt up the handsome Blackwatch commander.

“What did he say?” he asks with a low rumble. He finally lets go of Lúcio’s shoulders to instead reach around him, easily grabbing two hands full of his nice, plump ass. He’s not entirely sure if they should mix play and reality like this; Lúcio has looked honestly upset, but the young medic is no kid, and he does look a lot more like his usual self as Gabriel feels him up.

“Said I didn’t know what to do with a real man’s cock since I don’t have one.” Gabriel’s eyes go dark at that, belly growing warm and lazily excited. While he is definitely going to hunt this man down and all but kill him, he can’t deny that it does fit into their usual games rather nicely. And if it accidentally boosts his baby boy’s self-confidence, then who is he to argue?

“He looked at you, hm?” he murmurs slowly and Lúcio flushes, his lovely brown eyes staring intently at Gabriel’s chest just to not have to look at his intense stare. He is slowly wriggling on his lap, too, his tight underwear bulging at the front across said delicious little cock he is sporting.

“He cornered me in the showers,” he all but whispers, and Gabriel’s mouth twists in distaste at that. He’s about to call it off after all, shed daddy and become Gabriel Reyes, Commander of Blackwatch, to hunt this piece of waste down and put the fear of god in him for his horrible misconduct towards other agents in the organization, when Lúcio keeps talking, all hushed in a way that tells Gabriel he is turned on and shy about it.

“He said that I have no idea how to treat a nice fat cock like yours. That you probably just fuck me out of pity because I look cute, daddy.”

Gabriel huffs softly, leaning his head back against the headrest of his armchair and watching the young man on his lap with indulgent heat as he takes himself back and makes himself breathe through the sudden flare of temper that has led him to bad decisions more than once already.

“Well,” he finally drawls, one hand squeezing Lúcio’s ass tight enough to make him gasp high and sweet and slightly get up on his knees.

“He’s not wrong about that, at least. You are pretty cute.”

Lúcio’s dark eyes start to glitter, then, his face all soft and bashful. Gabriel loves to play rough with him; slap him around some and see his eager little dick bouncing from how hard the treatment makes him; but it is also nice like this, sometimes.

Treat his baby boy well and let him know just how loved he is. Just how much Gabriel enjoys having him around and being in his company after a long day of work for Blackwatch.

Lúcio keeps kneeling up, his chest right in Gabriel’s face as he frames his pecs on both sides of his ribcage with his hands, trying to push the meager bit of fat and muscle he has, together.

He does manage to create a cute little valley, his dark brown nipples looking absolutely delicious as Gabriel stares transfixed.

“Do you like my tits, daddy?” he coos. “He said that they’re too small to fuck.”

That guy is right on that account as well – not that it would keep Gabriel from goddamn trying any chance he got. He’s never met tits that are quite as lovely as Lúcio’s; small and gorgeous and looking forbidden when he drags the fat shiny tip of his dick along the shallow valley to get it shiny with sticky pre-cum.

He leans forward, pressing his face between Lúcio’s pecs and listens to him squeal as he rubs it side to side, all but motor boating the young man as he tries to suffocate himself in the smallest pair of tits on the planet.

Eventually he just starts mouthing at one of those delicious nipples, sucking it into his mouth and letting go of it with a lewd little pop while Lúcio’s fingers are ripping at the longer curls at the top of his head and he is making sounds like he’s already being split apart on Gabriel’s nice big dick.

“I love those little tits, baby,” he croons eventually, glancing up at Lúcio from the vicinity of his chest. “I love your little tits, and I love your little dick, and I especially love that little snatch you got that can keep me so nice and warm on cold nights.”

He has hooked his fingers into the waistband of Lúcio’s shorts and shimmied them down enough to now grab a hold of his ass again, spreading his cheeks wide and rubbing one warm, blunt fingertip across that perfect cunt he’s been talking about.

Lúcio is breathing deeply, his fingers having become more gentle with Gabriel’s curls, instead slowly carding through them as he presses his weeping little cock against Gabriel’s chest and lets himself get felt up by his daddy.

Gabriel is not much of a romantic usually, but for his boy he can make himself be one. It is worth it to see how warm and happy Lúcio gets, reminding him that his baby boy isn’t only in it for Gabriel’s big dick and his rough hands spanking him to orgasm every now and then.

He is in it for the long haul, and Gabriel… honestly is as well. 

He’ll still find this recruit and make him pay for having made Lúcio uncomfortable.


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