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Hi again,

This is perhaps the fastest I've given an update since the last. How unlike me.

In the ebb & flow of the eternal chaos that is my life, Crayman is once again, for the third time in the past 13 months, required to move house. This time with an impending newborn child to look after.  

I understand most of you are purple-knobbed, dick-in-hand, and ready to pass out from the blue balls, so I'll still proceed with a release next month so you have something to jack it to... Though I'll probably snip some planned content and do a follow-up release.

I'll also probably return to doing smaller updates so you get your updates a little more frequently, but more so in the hopes that I stop receiving the 'are you dead?' messages.

This is also a courtesy post that I'll probably not reply to any comments or messages. Not unless I find a 25th hour in the day.




No, it's not my cup of tea either.