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Hey guys,

Apologies for the silence on my end. I'd wanted to give you an update with a little more substance, so have held off for a few weeks longer.

I have about 20% of the new passages completed (though unedited). Seems low I know, but it's an entire wife path in the debt route done, and the rest are drafted and the skeleton passages are written. This isn't to say I'm only 20% of the way done mind you. We're probably around 60-70% done. The writing is usually quick for me (though I need to be in the right 'mood' for it to be half decent). 

(Bit personal, skip if you don't gaf): I'd anticipated being halfway done with the new passages in this last week though life is relentless and deals its cards without discrimination, and so I've had another death in the family (unrelated to covid) and currently undergoing funeral arrangements. I'd also kept this one to myself, wasn't planning on sharing it, but I'm also expecting a child in the next week or so, if we're on time. Yes, that means I have yet another life priority... However I also an excellent excuse to ditch other time-suckers.

Most of you have been patiently waiting for a release (thank you). I don't mean this to be an excuse for the delay, just a genuine window into my month. By God's, if it isn't an accurate sample of my last 12 months. 

(Back to business): So I'd hoped to have the release done by this month, but the end of May is much more likely. That gives time for some good bug testing too. And I'll have 4 weeks paternity leave from work to (yes raise a child) but also being locked up in my home with not much else to do, and no other annoying commitments to uphold.

From here, I'll be writing the content for the Dom, Hot, and Sub wife paths in the job route, and a little bit more in the debt/main route. Then we'll bug test, and given there's nothing too outrageous, we're good for a release.

Thanks for your ongoing support - if you haven't already, please jump onto the Discord! I'm not always 'active', but I'm far more so there than here.



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