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Hi all,

Just an update on where I'm at with the next release.

The gameplay revamp is more or less done; the day sequence makes more sense, you have more time in the day, and game flow is improved. Not to mention the passages aren't as confusing now.

I'm now in the process of attaching the existing passages (lingo for event) into the new game structure, which involves a fair bit of coding update from the old variables.  I'm also re-ordering the sequence of events slightly which should speed up the game's progress.

After this is done I'll begin working on the main path and side-plots.




Good evening, Crayman. Will it be in this month?


Do we have a date for the release this month? I'm in no rush just curious.


We're getting there! Can't/won't say for sure when the release date will be because of how sporadic my 'free time' is right now with work. Working from home hasn't been as liberating as I'd initially thought! Though there's steady progress every day.