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Hi Patrons,

Apologies for my silence on this, and the delay in release. I've had some ill news in the family that required me to travel interstate, and so I've been unable to work on this project. I imagine I wouldn't have been too productive in any case. I'm back for now and will continue to work on this release, and then the next. While certain aspects of my life are currently uncertain, I do anticipate an eventual relocation in the midst of the next few months that will take me away from working (here and in actual life) for a week or so... However, that will be in the future and hopefully unnoticed in this space.

I'll continue to work on finalizing this release.




Colby Sherrard

Incredibly sorry for the troubles. Wish you the best.

Dr. Dick

Wish you and your family best!


Any news on the update Crayman?


So no update this week?


"next few months that will take me away from working"


"for a week or so... However, that will be in the future and hopefully unnoticed in this space."


Greetings. Love this game. So is there gonna be an update for it...been waiting so long;)


That's a question we all have, no news here or discord, if no update happens before the 31st I'm thinking its fully abandoned.


Hate to say it, but same here…..


This guy is getting almost 400 bucks per month for doing seemingly nothing. Im unsubscribing as of right now. Id advise everyone else to follow suit. If it ever does get revived you will see it pirated on SVScomics.com most likely. Save your money for someone who actually would do the work to earn it.


I support him because i like what he makes, not because i want to buy updates. Though it would be nice to hear something every once in a while, it's also strange times right now. Personally i'll support a little longer and see where things go.


I'm going to support a little longer as well. The world is more than a little wonky at the moment, I'm going to be patient. In the mean time, anyone familiar with any similar games here on Patreon that they would recommend? I like the inclusion of the live clips, wonder if any of you are playing anything else here you like?


I'll keep on supporting, but I have to downgrade it to 2$ tier. There's no point in a 5$ tier if he's not going to post anything on discord.


I liked this game but I'm going to have to stop supporting for now. I'll probably come back after an update or two if Crayman returns.

Dr. Dick

Here one of the best games I found on patreon: Mircom3D