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I'm a bit disappointed with last week, didn't do as much as I wanted. I got my IKEA delivery (yeah, don't laugh) and it took way more time than expected... I guess it shouldn't surprise me. 

If you're not new, you know I moved out around 2 months ago and all my stuff takes 4 months to travel to my new place. It sucks.  

So, with all that, this week will be all about renders, again. I have nothing not too spoilery to show you guys, but as soon as I have, I'll post a new preview.

See you tomorrow for another post about Tommy and Abigail, the couple that will be with the MC (main character) during the prologue!

Thanks for your support.

Core code: 100%

Characters: 100%

Locations (prologue): 70%

GUI: 75%

Renders: 55%

Writing: 35%

Event Code: 60%

Tests: 0%



I can totally picture our beloved Gary holding the assembly instructions upside down wondering why everything in life was not as simple as coding... ;-D


It's just time-consuming, and don't get me started and why they don't deliver everything at the same time but have to split it on multiple delivery. And you're not even sure they'll come the day they tell you...