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Hi guys! (yeah, I wanted to change from the traditional 'hello everyone')

Last week went as planned made some good progress on the renders and a little on the writing. My workflow is improving, I only had very little tweak to do to the characters assets this week, they should be ready to face any situation, eh, eh. 

For this week it should be 100% renders, I want to be done with all the scenes planned as soon as possible now. Ideally I want to make the first release or beta in August, you guys have been waiting long enough. I'm not sure I can do it in time, but that's what I'm aiming for.

Thanks for your support.

Core code: 100%

Characters: 100%

Locations (prologue): 70%

GUI: 75%

Renders: 45%

Writing: 35%

Event Code: 60%

Tests: 0%

Ps: Yes, there is an issue with Tommy's right hand, but admit, you didn't see it either the first time.  ;)




Don't be rushed. No matter how long you need, we will wait. 😊


indeed your work is great and needs time :) .....we can wait for fullfilling our fantasy :)


A great first release is what sets the stage for everything that follows so a few more weeks to get it right is the best way to go. Looking forward to rev 1!


"Hi guys!" is cool but what if some girl are in your community too :P