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Chapter 1: A Royal Request.

The table of the BorgeFjell castle banquet hall proved to be the perfect symbol of opulence within the kingdom it resided over. Dozens of delicacies were strewn across the twenty-foot-long table. Gorgeous plates of things like dragon wings, triflid legs, and whole roasted boars.

It was a proper feast, with the castle’s servants scurrying around to pour drinks or move a plate of something closer towards the waiting dinner guests. They also cleared empty plates as fast as they could, though even with a small army of helpers the dishes were going to start piling up if they didn’t work faster. It was a lose-lose situation.

At the head of the table was a figure who emanated a confident control. The vast majority of help milling about avoided eye contact with her. She herself hardly paid them any mind, her head remained high and her posture rigid.

“Why don’t you start from the top, I’m afraid I’m not seeing the importance of you leaving,” she said. The tone was somewhat dismissive. She leaned forward, dropping a ruffled sleeve onto the attached tray of her chair.

Juniper looked up from her plate with a wry smile. She remained unaffected by the queen’s attitude toward her. She was one of the few people in the kingdom who even dared make eye contact with the queen, let alone remained cocksure in her presence. She twiddled her feet in the air and considered the morsel in front of her before holding back for at least a moment. It would wait for her explanation.

“Essentially, I think we’ve hit the limit.” Juniper explained, turning to her assistant next to her and giving her a quick wink. “The circle of influence for what we can hunt and discover has reached the edge of your border. I hypothesize there’s something beyond that. An old scroll found in the archives mentions an ancient beast, I’d like to go track it down. See what I can discover along the way too.”

There was another wink to her assistant, who looked down at her own plate nervously. Her food had hardly been touched.

Queen Nimue pondered the request, brushing long cerulean hair clear of her face. From her seat, she reached out towards one of the boars, with a nervous servant pulling the platter close to ease her grab.

The whole animal was lifted easily into the air by the regal figure, whose jaw seemed to unhinge. There were no bites, or struggle as she dug into the roasted beast with her other hand, pushing it down her throat and through her esophagus. In response, an already full stomach wobbled as more mass filled it.


Her throat spasmed as she gulped down the widest part of the animal, tilting her head up to allow gravity to do most of the work. Slowly but surely she consumed the beast and her stomach grew in kind, pushing her slightly further from the table as it grew heavy.

Her servants stepped forward, some trying to keep her from getting too far while others wiped her face and hands of the residual grease after such a large meal. Two of them tried to push in her chair for her only to have the queen’s belly bounce slightly against the table. She wasn’t even close to being able to reach the food.

“Leave me for a moment!” she commanded, forcing all the servants to disperse. Her face twisted into a mask of concentration. Juniper knew that look well—she was more focused on digestion than anything else.

Juniper saw no better time to continue her sales pitch. “You see Your Majesty, beyond the Ukish Plains and the Eldamar Desert there’s a small island. I believe the maps have it marked as the August Isle.”

“Hrrgggggg—Yes Juniper, I'm aware of the August Isle. I’m also—ngh—aware that it can’t be reached by boat due to some form of magical barrier that drives people away from it. Expeditions have been—Hrgggg—tried and failed.

Juniper licked her lips, growing impatient for a bite of her own. Even just the several minutes of waiting for a pause in the conversation between her and the queen left a void in her stomach. “Yes, of course, but the scroll I found not only details the possibility of a legendary creature being there but also a way onto the island. You see it’s a sim—”


Juniper’s monologue was halted by a loud sound from the head of the table. The queen’s grunting turned to sighs of relief as her stomach shrank bit-by-bit. The squelching noises emanating from her backside coincided with her stomach’s shrinking, the many massive dishes inside being turned into liquid by digestion before the mushy matter was deposited into the back of her diaper.

The plastic-backed padding sagged through the open back of her highchair, drooping down dangerously close to the floor. One of the queen’s servants dove, positioning herself beneath the sagging sack to stop it from gracing the floor. It was a rule in the castle, if the royal diaper hit the floor, the nearest person responsible would end up in it.

In contrast to her diaper’s sudden and rapid expansion, her stomach rumbled and jiggled as its circumference shrank, becoming smaller underneath the high chair’s tray.


Even while blowing out the back of her diaper Queen Nimue kept her head held high and her face serious. She remained regal despite what many would have seen as an unqueenly action. She motioned to the servants. “You may push me back in now. I’ve made enough room for more.”

The castle's maids did as they were told, shifting the weight of the highchair and her newly full diaper with all their might. “So you say there’s a way onto the island. What would you require to make that happen?” Queen Nimue asked.

“We have a way to locate the three gems that would activate a teleportation circle at the edge of the desert. That’s where my assistant comes in.” Juniper said, pointing over to the extremely tall woman sitting next to her.

Magdalene twitched nervously, straightening up and looking up at the queen. She so far had been reluctant to even gaze upon the monarch. Now she didn’t have a choice. “W-Well Your Majesty, I-I made a mystic map th-that tracks the gems. They’re said t-to be lost, but this points u-us to the closest one. We need enough supplies to get to the three points around the kingdom, and th-then we’ll make our way to August Isle.”

While her mousy blonde-haired assistant gave her explanation to the queen, Juniper looked at the dragon wing on the table in front of her. Below her, her own belly groaned with need. It could have been because instead of using a chair she balanced on it like an inflated ball, her massive stomach pushing her up to the table while she lay on it. However she suspected hunger was more than likely the issue. She had descended slightly from her initial position, letting her know she’d created some space.

Her explanation to the queen had created ten minutes of space where she couldn’t eat. Powerful burning magic twinkled across her tongue, one of her various runes activating at her mental command. The muscle in her mouth expanded rapidly, quickly growing beyond the span of her maw so that It lolled out of her mouth.

Her newly grown tongue flexed, dripping saliva because of her appetite as it reached for the dragon wing. The enlarged appendage wrapped around it like a snake, drawing it in with surprising speed. Unlike the queen, her consumption of such a massive piece of meat was quick. It disappeared into her mouth like it was a black hole, the enlarged tongue shrinking to pull it in so her powerful throat muscles could draw it further down her pharynx.

The quick meal added several inches to her height, plumping her stomach back up and returning her to her previous position. Before Maggie even finished her sentence, she was reaching for another morsel with her tongue.

The queen eyed Juniper’s assistant with increased interest, continuing to do so even as she swallowed another boar. “So—urp—what delicas—I mean fauna do you believe exists out there eh? What is going to make my funding of this journey worth it?”

Maggie stuttered over her words, apparently having a ton of trouble getting out the creature’s incredibly long name. She breathed a sigh of relief when Juniper piped up, saving her from the queen’s hard glare.

“It’s a Hecatoncheires.” Juniper said, causing the queen’s gaze to snap back over to her.

“You’re certain?” Queen Nimue asked. The room went silent in response to the name of the creature while the queen waited with bated breath for Juniper to confirm her claim.

“Yes.” she said, the smile widening even further. She knew well that all the old stories claimed that there were only three of the legendary beasts. Two had been consumed already and both accounts by the predatory vores that’d found them described them as a heavenly eating experience.

The queen nodded, obviously intrigued by the proposition. From the tray of her high chair she lifted up her teacup, bringing the nipple-topped cup to her lips to suckle. It was strange to see a teacup topped with a bottle nipple but Juniper supposed it made sense for the diapered queen who’d never been allowed to grow up. Her own cup had an open top and she gulped deeply from the liquid within, glad not to be impeded in her consumption.

“We would capture and bring the creature back here for ‘cataloging’.” Juniper finished her sentence with a set of air quotes because the important people in the room knew exactly what she really meant.

Queen Nimue agreed with an uncharacteristically enthusiastic nod, setting down her tea cup with a thud. “Speak with the royal treasurer in the morning. I’ll instruct him that you’re to have any and all funds necessary. This is of course on the condition that you return with the Hecatoncheires. If you’re back without it I expect that you’ll repay every single coin lent, one way or another.”

Magdalene looked nervously over at Juniper who seemed unbothered by the queen’s declaration of repayment. “Of course, Your Majesty. When have I ever disappointed?”

The rest of the royal tea party continued without conflict. Serious talk of funds and the expedition turned into idle chit-chat about how days were spent. Maggie even got in on the conversation now that the serious business had concluded, feeling much more comfortable by interjecting with new discoveries in the magical sciences she was exploring.

While the queen and Juniper continued to eat their stomachs grew and shrank in response to their input and output. The queen’s diaper grew too, bulging with repeated messing that interrupted the table’s conversation briefly with how loud her rumbling farts were. Its spread across the floor was uncompromising, with several more servants having joined the first made to keep the rolling avalanche of padding from touching the marble.

Neither Juniper nor Magdalene were bothered by her usage of her padding. They were used to it even. In contrast to the queen, the back of Juniper’s diaper remained tightly around her back end, unsoiled despite the hour she’d spent at the tea party and the hundreds of pounds she’d already digested.

Her tongue wrapped around another boar, guiding it into her maw before conversation continued. Something felt different when her throat flexed to consume the creature though. Her stomach rumbled in its normal way and her body pushed automatically like it always had to dump the undigested leftover muck into the back but it stayed in her diaper. She realized the difference when she looked back, feeling the insipid heat of her mess spreading across her rear. The material of her diaper was no longer white and smooth but unfurled to hold added weight while turning brown and lumpy.

The royal scientist’s body started to roll backward, her weight distribution thrown off by what had to be three pounds of shit.

Magdalene leaned over to her whispering next to her. “I believe your diapers have reached capacity Ms. Lorn. It would be for the best if we take our leave soon.”

Maggie’s stating of the obvious bothered Juniper slightly but she knew her assistant was right. She’d need a change and quick or getting her out of the queen’s banquet hall would become extremely difficult. “Well, I hate to cut this short ,” Juniper announced “but I do believe I’m due for a change. I should gather a list of supplies to give our royal treasurer as well. I’m looking at leaving the day after tomorrow after all!”

With a nod of approval, the royal scientist and her assistant started making their way out of the room, heading back to Juniper’s laboratory. The last sight she gave her queen was a view of her glowing stomach, which shrank rapidly as another of her body’s runes did what they were meant to. Her stomach was flat in seconds.

It came with drawbacks though and the back of her diaper started to stretch in an effort to contain her advanced production. “We’d better hurry,” she told Maggie, “or else you’re going to have to change me in this hallway.


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